This is only the Beginning

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Hello, my name is Sara Dinah Moria Queen. I also go by Anya Uliana Karantirov. Why the two name? Well I'm not what you call adopted last time I checked. I have two sets of parents. Then my awesome older brother Demetri, who sadly I'm not related to, but we had a lot of fun together and we got into so much trouble.

Oh, I forgot there are my parents to. My true parents, I have my dad Oliver we have fun and get into some trouble. Then there is the awsomest mom in the, world Laurel, she is pretty cool.

Then there are my other parents. My strict yet secretly kind military father Aleks. Then there is my mother she is very strict she is also a ballet teacher. Well I guess that's everyone you need to know for now. So lets begin I was born on Friday June 25th, 1999 at 6:48 am. I was early but that still hasn't stopped me from becoming who I am today. Any ways that day and moment my parents were radiating with joy. The day slowly became the night and with the night I vanished.

From what I've been told about that night a nurse came in to check on me and then I wasn't there any more. Some how I ended up in Russia. Don't ask me I have no idea on why and how I ended up there. Also who would want me and for what purpose would they want me I haven't the slightest idea.

With my luck I ended up with Aleks, Roksana, and Demetri. He, Demetri was the one who named me, or should I say gave me my Russian name. I like it still to this day and I will respond to either one. Time went buy and I wasn't a little baby any more I was 6 years old. Russia was nice depending on what I made of the day. Some days felt so long others to short, but that was my life for now.

My mother had thought me how to do six tasks that pleased her. They were cook, clean; figure skate, a little self-defense, read and play violin. Not all in one day of course there would be different things for each day. There was only one thing that stayed the same every day and that was figure skating. Every single day I was forced weather I wanted to or not to practice. I started to think that she expected me to be some prodigy or something close to that.

Today was no different even though it was my 6th birthday. I still had to practice, I know one might ask me if I ever tire or get bored of this practice. I'll let you in on a little secret I'll practice what she wants me to and then once I get that I'll change the music and do what I wish to. Let me tell you I feel happier when I choose the music for that expresses me and who I am on that day. I always escape from the world with the music I choose to play.

I eventually notice that a girl is watching me; she has beautiful fiery red hair, and glowing emerald eyes full of wonder. She looks to be about my age maybe a year older I can't tell. I eventually go through my motions again and again, but I can't get her out of my mind I know she is watching me. I eventually lead up to the triple axle and that's when it happened my skate came out from underneath me and then it was lights out.

I eventually wake up, but not at my own home. How long have I been out? Where am I? Why does my head and face hurt so much? I think to my self for a while. "Hello," I called out. "Is any one there?" Eventually an older kinder woman walks in the room. Her hair was a dull red with a few gray streaks, but some streaks were still fiery her eyes were a duller emerald, but there was sill joy in them. She was followed; buy the girl who was watching me skate.

"Your awake that's good I was starting to worry," she said. " My daughter brought you to me after you fell, from what I see and can tell you have suffered a concussion and a minor cut to you cheek," she said to me. She sounded so calm and kind as if this was normal for her.

"If you don't mind me asking who are you?"

" I guess we did forget to introduce our selves I'm Ania and this is ........"

"I'm Anastasia her daughter," she said interrupting her mother. "If you don't mind me asking who are you?"

" I'm... I'm.. Anya" I told them I was struggling to remember my name, but nothing time can't fix.

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