the Beginning of the End

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"Up, up, up my dear it's a big day." my mom said turning on the lights in my room I then turned over. She grabbed my clothes. "Come on my dear." she said while tugging my sheets off of me.

I just turned over bringing my hands to my shoulders. "Get out of bed come on we have to get going soon," she said while dragging me out of bed literally. "Where are we going mom?" I asked her while I was getting dressed.

"Well you're coming with me to the studio today since your dad is taking Dimitri to work and both of you are off of school." she said leaving my room.

I grab my locket and put it on and left my room for what I didn't know would be the last time. I went down stairs and found the aroma of fresh coffee, why is it that it smells so good, but tastes so bad? I thought.

I ended up pouring a bowl of cereal and added some milk, and poured a glass of orange juice and ate it while mom was getting ready for the day at the studio. I kept thinking about the man and woman in my dream while I ate breakfast why did they seem so familiar?

Eventually mom came down and turned on the news the American news, but in Russian. Since and I quote her "We must be in touch with everything going on in the world" I got that every time I asked her why we watch different news instead of the local news.

I was watching something about what is it that you call it.... the um...... oh..... I know what it is give me a moment.... oh it doesn't matter. What does is that I saw the same man and woman from my dream Oliver Queen and Laurel Lance-Queen.

Then mom turned the T.V. off "okay that's enough T.V. for you today lets get going to the dance studio." she said. I can't remember if I told you this but my mom owns a dance studio. So we got in the car and went to her studio.

When we got there she unlocked the doors, and turned the heat and lights on. Then we went to her office. "Mom what are you doing this year for your performance?" I ask her I always love seeing the end of the year and the winter performance, I've been begging her for Swan Lake.

"Well we are finally doing what you've been asking me to do for years now." she said beaming. Then gave me a few things to do while she taught class, once she left I turned on the music to that particular ballet and happily did what I was asked.

That kept me busy for a while. I eventually got to watch the auditions for certain rolls and put my opinion on who should be what depending on how they did. I always loved doing that, and mom always liked that because somehow I always put a good team together.

It wasn't long until it was about time for a break, but then I heard a loud beeping and the mad rushing of feet. I tried to open the door but was thrown back by what I think is an explosion. I tried opening the window, and the vents also the door again but it was no use I'm trapped. I become scared, very scared.

I end up sitting in the room and crying. It's been a while and now I'm in a haze from the smoke, I don't think anyone is coming to save me. Well maybe I can be safe somewhere else, I wasn't much help here. Why am I even here if I might not even be there daughter?

I can tell the fire has spread more in the building, this time it was followed by another blast that's three blasts in about an hour. I try the door again its locked and very hot. I end up banging on the door since that's all I got now.

I keep banging and banging until I feel like I can't any move. With any luck someone must have heard me. Now comes the fun part, I start going in and out, because of the smoke that's in the room.

I just came back in and I hear footsteps and shouting in the hall. At first I think it's just a hallucination, but they come closer and closer I end up banging on the door with all of my weight and I broke the door.

My vision has turned fuzzy and my lungs sting with every breath. I try to speak, but it comes out as a strangled scream. I do that until I can't make any sound. How long is this hallway I could have sworn it was shorter.

I then hear voices "Over here" "there's still one over here" they say. Then feel my body lifting off of the ground, and I just make out the face of one who I will see for the next ten years and then nothingness.

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