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You hit your alarm clock violently and quickly to get rid of the awful noise as you groggily wake up.

You're so tired, you can barely lift up your head from the cold hard surface of your desk. You slowly yawn and rub your eyes shielding them from the bright light coming from outside your window.

You are of of Aoba Johsai's best students and always got top test scores. But after yesterday, you were so frustrated you couldn't study at all so you continued to try until you passed out.

You lazily walk around your room searching for some cute things to add to your uniform. Today you decide to go with your striped stockings and just left your hair straight.

A/N: I'm sorry if you don't have straight hair T^T

Also, you grab a silver pendant with a matching bracelet.

It was simple things like these, and your smarts, and your attitude that made you pretty popular at your school. For the most part you get along with just about anyone and are pretty self-aware which helps you to see things from other people's perspective-usually.

You are also pretty popular with guys, but you didn't really find any of the boys at your school to be all that interesting. You prefer fictional guys because they can't hurt you like real people can, and they are just better.

Looking at your clock you noted that it was getting late so you should just skip breakfast and head to school.

Later during the day, you took the test and you felt you did well like always. So during lunch you decided to go and eat outside. But as you were walking you weren't paying attention because you were rubbing your eyes. Consequently, you ran into someone.

You dropped your lunch and said, "Ohmygosh! I am so sorry. Are you okay? It's my fault. I wasn't watching. I'm really sorry." You said everything so fast you thought they wouldn't understand for a second.

The guy replied, "Yeah. It's okay, don't worry about it."

"Oi! Iwa-chan!"

You heard a voice should from behind you.

'Please no. Please god. No no no...'

You turned around to meet the one and only person who's face could possibly annoy you that much.

"Eh? What happened?"

"Nothing of importance," you coolly retorted before the other boy, who you just found out is named Iwa-something probably, could respond.

"Ne. You're that girl from yesterday. Sorry about that."

He gave you one of his sweet apologetic smiles you hated oh so much.

You looked away with a bored look on your face.

'Ugh. This is so annoying, why did he have to show up here of all places?'

"Do you need lunch? I'll buy it for you. I'm sorry, Iwa-chan isn't all that great with girls."

Just as the black haired boy looked like he was about to protest, you hurriedly say, "No. It's fine."

"Ah~ Well I'll at least help clean up on behalf of my friend,"

"Hey! Stop talking about me like it's my fault!"

"No thanks. I'd rather do it by myself."

"No, I insist."

"Fine," you say quickly and then turn back to head in the direction you came from and went all the way back to the classroom.

~Time Skip~

"Hey (f/n)?"


Your best friend looked shocked because you didn't see her and wound up yelling at her out of frustration from dealing with Oikawa.

As soon as you looked up you felt really bad.


"I'm sorry," you sigh.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just... tired."

"Oh... Um... anyway can I borrow a pencil?"

A/N: I promise the next will be a little more interaction with him but its hard with a tsundere reader, like you hate this guy so why would you want to seek him out ya know.

Also! I take requests for oneshots! (not just Haikyuu)

I love comments or suggestions or whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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