Song Chosen

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I have no idea what song? I quickly got my homework and studying out the way and sat down to think. I fished out my phone and looked through all my music. Nothing that was officially amazing.

Neon comes in and we try to look for a pop song together. Mission Fail, I declare as I flop back onto my bed. My phone rings as I get all call from Chloe.

Me and Zion freeze, my phone ringtone is Lucky Strike by Maroon 5. Using twin telepathy, we silently nod and listen to the music. The call ubruptly ends as I pick my phone up. 1 Missed Call from Chloe.

I immediately call her and before she can talk,  I yell,

"Let's sing Lucky Strike by Maroon 5!" The other side of the call is silent, "Hello? Is anybody there?" I ask about to end the call when she suddenly shouts, "Actually, that isn't so bad! Let's tell the others straight away!"

We end the call as we text everyone else in our Group Chat. Love- 'Hey guys! What about Lucky Strike by Maroon 5?' Pip pip.

Amy-'Not bad, wat do u think guys?'

Leah-'D song is quite nice, catchy.'

Storm-'Makin a rap 2 that will be quite easy cause d song style is so pop & quick.'

Bee-'Agreed, so yes?'

Chloe-'Yes!' Everyone agrees as we get one final text.

Neon-'Practise 2moz & like last time, 1 week to learn, compose & have instruments worked out!'

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