Part 8

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The group headed up to the big house to visit their guest when they were stopped by Chiron.

" Where do you think you guys are going?" He said menacingly then broke out into a huge smile which made the group relax. " there is no need to visit her today she is up and moving and her tour will begin when she is ready but in the meantime tell the campers to tidy their cabins as neat as they can. Go on and I'll call you when we are ready" he smiled again and walked back inside.

The group stood there smiling before racing off to tell everyone.

As the hot water pierced her skin Maria found herself finally relaxing and taking some time to recall all of the events over these past weeks. She finally get her head around the facts and finishes cleaning her hair before getting out.

With a towel wrapped round her she looked at the clothes. Clean underwear always helpful, light blue skinny jeans, black combat boots and a orange camphalfblood t-shirt. She smiled when she saw her black leather jacket in the mix.

After getting dressed and tying her hair into a messy plait she was ready to begin and to get the day over with.
She climbed down the stairs and walked into a huge greeting hall.

It had the many pictures of the gods and a few other non God related people. She found her curiosity begin to prickle to evolve into more of a adventure than something to fear. As she was in her thoughts she didn't notice a short little man in a leopard print top walk up to her.

"No campers in the big house get lost be fore I turn you into a succulent grape vine" he said with a sneer. 

Maria declared at that very moment he and she will not be getting along.
Luckily Chiron walked in before Maria could speak.

" go back to your moping if you aren't going to be kind to our guest" Chiron stirred. A sharp look from the man was all his answer when he turned and walked back down the corridor with a wine bottle that looked like it had water in it.

" sorry about him he's always in a grump because of his punishment so don't take it to heart any way are you ready to begin?" He smiled. With a shy nod Maria and Chiron left the big house and into the light of the outside world.

Hi guys 
Sorry for the shortish chapter been busy with the family and all.  More updates to come within the new year. If anyone has something they would like to add then comment away they are always appreciated and I hope your all well :)
Anyway I hope you all had a merry Christmas and I wish you all a happy new year :)
Charlie x

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