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Ashton Irwin is my new boss, wow never thought of seeing him again. He was a senior when I was a sophomore in high school. I remember seeing him around school and watching him in the band room playing the drums as I walk by. He was good at. I wonder if he still plays? Oh well. Turns out he got even better looking. I mean he was cute in high school but damn now he's hot as hell. He's from Australia he moved here after his dad left them. He has a little brother and sister. Harry and Lauren. I've learned a lot about him from his mom. She's so sweet☺️ I start working Monday. And it is currently Saturday. Time to party! Just kidding me and Michael are having a movie night. He's coming over at 6 so we can have dinner and then watch movies☺️ Netflix and chill😏 jk that's gross af he's my best friend. Anyways it's currently 3:30 so I decide to get a shower and clean the house up.... I'm dancing around cleaning when my phone goes of *ding* Facebook message: from Calum hood

Calum: hey

Me: sup

Calum: just got ungrounded

Me: nice

Calum: guess what

Me: what

Calum: Luke's coming over later, he wants to talk to you

Me: um okay

Calum: what

Me: nothing

Calum: okay, well I'll message you in a few I got to do something

Me: k

Wow, Luke is going to message me, yay my catfish. Oh well I'm just going to act like that didn't happen and just clean.

"Open up bitch the queen is here" I go and open my door and "do you know how gay that sounded" "yes I do" "okay then" Michael comes in and goes and plops onto my couch. "So what are we going to eat?" "Well I figured we could go to sunset" "yes I love that place" "I know" I grab my stuff and we go get into my car and I drive us there. "So I got a job" I say once we get a seat at the restaurant. "Really where?" "Dukes" "ohhhh nice" "yeah guess who's my boss" "idk who?" "Ashton Irwin" "no fucking way, the one that graduated 2 years ago, real good drummer?" "Yes" "id love to have a band with him" "seriously" "yes, he's an amazing drummer and you know I'm getting pretty good at the guitar" "yes you are" we order our food and Calum messages me "oh great my catfish messaged me" "why don't you stop messaging him" "cause I want to know who this guy is" "hmmm" "what" "nothing"

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