"Great now Earth" He says and throws a rock in the air for me to catch without touching it. I close my hand around the fire suffocating it and then I use my left hand and freeze the rock in the air.

"Good, Plant/wild life." He says putting the leaf on the ground. I focus on the leaf and a big tree starts to grow right there.

"Next is wind." He says and I spin my hand in a circular motion and a small tornado sits in the palm of my left hand.

"Perfect, now water." He says and I take a deep breath and collapse the tornado. I close my eyes for a few minutes trying to concentrate and then I open my eyes and nod telling him I'm ready. He opens a water bottle and throws the water out of it towards me.

I throw my hands into the air and hold the water there. I part it between two hands and make designs with it. I multitask and write something in the air. I didn't notice what I wrote till it was already there. I had written 'Darnel. James. Black' in the air with water. I quickly drop the water and sigh sadly.

"What's on your mind?" Marcus asks and we sit and just watch the sun rise.

"I don't understand why he is so guarded and protected. And why he hates me. I'm his mate, One of the people he should love and cherish. But he has done nothing but push me away. He even admit that the only reason I was here was so he wouldn't be weak." I say with few tears down my cheeks.

"He'll come around. They always do. Men like to be on top. It's rare to find a man that prefers to be lower than his mate. Right now, you over power him and it drives him crazy. He is the second most powerful wolf in the world behind you." He says and I nod leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I wish he would accept me, it's not like I would control him. Just put him in his place when the time is needed." I say and Marcus nods laying his head on mine.

"I have to go. Its already 6 and i have to meet his mother." I say and he nods standing up.

"Peter lets go" I announce and he jumps up.

"Marcus. Please take Fred and keep him with you while I meet his mother with Peter."I say and he nods and I shift before running back to the pack house with Peter next to me. Upon reaching the house I shift back and wrap the robe tighter around me.

I walk in with Peter stuck to my side and I walk to the kitchen. I find black there still in his sleep attire and he looks up, huffs then looks back down and continues eating his food. He takes a deep breath and his eyes snap to Peter. He stand up and stalks over to him but I stand in his way.

"Move." He demands and I refuse.

"He stays." I say and he scuffs

"Upon who's orders." He says in a deadly tone. I feel a body corrupt mine and and I loose all feeling in my body.

"Mine." The goddesses voice erupts from my mouth.

"And who are you?" He asks in a snobby tone and looks at Peter who is bowing to me.

"Why I am the moon goddess." She says in a cheerful voice and he bows his head slightly.

"Why do you treat your mate the way you do?" I hear her ask him but that is the last thing I hear before the goddess forces my soul to sleep.

The next time I wake up I'm greeted by a pair of bronze eyes. The eyes belong to a blonde that is sitting next to my bed.

"Hello." I say and she smiles.

"Hello Luna." She says and I frown

"Please call me Kat. Your alpha hardly considers me his Luna." I say and she smiles apologetically at me and averts her eyes to the end of the bed. Peter laid there sprawled across the end of the bed.

Alpha BlackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz