Chapter 23

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I suddenly feel uneasy walking with Josh and safe at the same time.

"Oh, babe," Josh suddenly speaks starling me as I walk deep in thought.


"I haven't a tent at home, I am going to have to sleep in with you... if that's ok. I don't mind sleeping outside though," His voice slithers to my ear drums.

"Sure," I reply, that's another thing to worry about, I didn't worry too much about wanting to sleep beside him before; what if he gets hungry in the night? Oh what am I saying? My mind is telling me the myth is true, but it is not. It cannot be. It's just stupid. They are legends, many say they are made up by the human mind; so what am I kidding myself over? It's all just a coincidence that Josh fits the description. My mind keeps trying to tell me that he is because of the unexplainable things, however the other half of my mind is saying this is ridicules, grow up. This is the only thing I can think about while walking next to a person who I half know on this dirt track in the middle of this giant woods.

The path is long and muddy with many twists and curves. By keeping to the main track it leads us straight to the other side of the woods. As we grow nearer to the centre of the woods the trees become thicker shutting us away from the light of the sun and away from the world however we still can see as the sun leaks through small gaps where the leaves have not covered. The further I walk deeper and deeper into the woods I feel the fear grow deep within my gut. I know something is wrong; something bad is going to happen I can sense it...

Sally and David speak with Liam about different things whilst the others joke around. Josh walks beside me, holding my hand, everyone else seems fine and having fun, why can't I. I get the feeling we are being followed. I look around and cannot see anyone. The woods seem silent except from the sound of my friends and the cool breeze which floods the atmosphere but mostly it is peaceful.

A shrieking sound of laughter suddenly interrupts my thought. Shelia runs up ahead with William trailing after her, with a featherless dead bird in his hand. I stare at it, and gasp seeing bite marks in it. It wasn't killed by any normal animal; it's been shredded almost, by some kind of monster. What does this mean...? What is in this world that we live in? William sees me staring with a menacing look in his eyes and approaches me with the dead bird in his hand. I stop, stepping away, breathing heavily with fear. A fox did not kill this bird, it's a bird of prey, and those bite marks, are the marks of a cold blooded killer. The world starts to spin, William with his sick mind pretends the bird is moving and is coming to kill me. I want to run; I want to go home...

"Aww what's up Nay?" William hisses with joy.

"Look just take that away from me Will, it's gross ok," I squirm.

"What's wrong don't you like dead animals," He chuckles.

"No and who would, take it away please," I step further back feeling vomit bubble in my stomach.

I watch it as the blood drips and oozes from it's mangled flesh. He pretends to throw it towards me swinging it though the air but not letting it go and he's careful not to get blood on himself holding it out in front of him; a high pitch sound pierces my ears, I realise then I am making the sound. I am screaming and now on the floor. William is nearly on top of me laughing in hysterics, cruelly teasing me as I sob, he nearly falls back on the ground laughing.

"You're meant to be a friend William that's cruel, you know how Nay gets squeamish with dead things," Shelia attempts to stick up for me but I can hear the slight amusement in her voice. I slam my eyes shut so I can block it all out. There's another sound, a shouting, a fierce shouting, deep and silky but sharp also. Its Josh's voice, his hands are then around me trying to pull me up. I let him pull me up; he cradles me in his arms. The tears flow into floods. Everything is going all too fast for me to cope with.

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