This could be love

Start from the beginning

Jai - umm who was that 

Ariana - just a friend 

Jai- what kind of friend 

Ariana - look I was writing a song with him okay, he's in the same management as me 

Jai - what management, where are you

Ariana - I'm in Los Angeles

Jai - what since when why didn't you tell me Ariana what's going on?

Ariana - I got found on youtube by Scooter Braun and he invited me to live in Los Angeles for work so I took it and he gave me a house and a car.

Jai - why didn't you tell me

Ariana - because we were fighting and I didn't just want to dump it all on you. By the way how's Sarah huh.

Jai - I don't know I don't see or talk to her, I don't love her Ariana I love you, I need you, I want you 

Ariana - we'll you should have thought about that before you cheated on me, I gotta go now bye

Jai - just call me when you wanna figure everything out, I love you

Ariana - I will bye 

Jai - bye baby girl

Man I loved when he called me that, I do miss him a lot but I don't know if I could ever forgive me. And that kiss with Roshon was really good, he's a great kisser, I really like him. I just don't know what I'm suppose to do. I quickly got changed and called my mum.

Ariana - mum when are you gonna be back

Mum - oh I forgot to tell you, Frankie got offered at job at Broadway in New York so were flying there now because they gave him an apartment and I'm helping him get settled in, I'll be back in 3 days.

Ariana - oh my god I didn't even get to say goodbye to him

Mum - I'm sorry darling but I knew you were busy writing that's song and I didn't want you leaving work on your first day. Were gonna visit him just in time for Christmas don't worry. (Christmas was a month away) 

Ariana - okay, I'll call you later, bye mum

Mum - bye baby.

2 hours later, I decided to go and get some dinner from the fish and chip shop from around the corner. It was about a 10 minute walk from my house, I grabbed my shoes and left. On my way I heard a car slowing down behind me, I turned around and saw a black Mercedes Benz, it had tinted windows and you couldn't see through them. I got a little scared, but then it stopped and Was relieved to see Roshon. "Hey Ari what are doing walking down the street by yourself" he asked. " I was just going to get dinner" I replied. "Come on ill take you" I thanked him and got in his car. When we got to the fish and chip shop I ordered a medium chips and two cokes because Roshon was coming back to mine to have dinner with me. I grabbed the food from the lady and walked back to Roshon's car. It was literally a 5 minute drive back to mine, we went inside and smashed the chips down like we've never eaten before. After we finished I was talking to him about Frankie " so my mum went with him so he didn't have to sort it out himself and she's not coming back for 3 days." I told him everything. " so your gonna be here all alone" he pouted and it looked so freaking cute. " yeah I'm not good at being by myself I hate it, especially at night and in a big house like this it's going to be worse." I always got so scared while I was alone. " we'll you know when my mum texted me to go home" he asked. "Yeah" I was curious as to why she was so desperate for him to leave. " we'll she told me she wanted me to quit shake it up and start spending more time with them and I said no to her because it's my life and I don't wanna spend it with people who are at each other's throats constantly so she got mad at me and we had this huge fight and I don't wanna go back there right now. " oh wow" I was shocked. "I know we only just met but I feel like I've known you for a long time and I wanted to know if you would let me stay here for just a couple of days until I get everything sorted with my mum." I felt so bad for him he really doesn't deserve this. " of course you can stay here, even if it's for a few weeks I don't mind we have plenty of space and it will give us a chance to get to know each other a little more." He smiled. "Your the cutest thing in the world Ariana, thank you so much" he pulled me in for a tight hug and then kissed me. It was a surprise but I kissed back. He pulled back. "Will you come with me to get my things" he asked. "Yeah of course." We left and the car ride was so fun, it was like a little party, with the music blaring, and his neon light were flashing in his car while we sang the words as loud as we could. 

When we got to his house, his mother and father weren't home, Roshon told me they went out for dinner on Fridays. Which was the only peace and quiet he had for a week. We went up to his room and I started packing a few boxes with his toiletries and his electronics, chargers and some other stuff. While he packed a suitcase full of his clothes. I helped him pack them in the boot of his car quickly just in case his parents came back. He closed the boot and stared me right in the eyes. "Um Ariana, I have to tell you something." He started. " when I saw your a youtube video of you for the first time, I thought you were adorable and when Scooter told me I was going to work on a song with you I practically jumped around like crazy. And when I actually met you, I ummm." I smiled at him and nodded. "We'll I kinda started having a huge crush on you and when I kissed you in your room, I realised that I might be falling in love with you and I know I sound crazy but it's true" I was speechless for a moment but then answered " I like you as we'll" he was about to say something but I kissed him before he had the chance. 

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