Sanctuary of Monsters and Beyond

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Here we were at home, we were at peace, this was our sanctuary, although not our first. Monster from all around gathered in this small city, to live, have families, and work a normal everyday life, but not all of us were monsters. Some humans stayed in this city along with us, those who were happy living with us. We were all forced here because of the hatred the humans had for us. We were rejected from their society, although we weren't very different from them. This place was heaven to us, and the humans didn't like this.
They fought to have this place shut down, torn down, to let this city rot, with all of us rotting with it. They made lawsuits, they protested, they rioted, but we still stood strong. We began losing money for this small community, but we still stood our ground.

Until, the humans had enough. They broke in, destroyed our buildings, burned our homes, and tore apart our families and lives. They set fire to everything, the whole city was a blaze. They were suddenly happy, seeing our one peaceful place burn to the ground. They were happy with the thought of us all dead, but they were wrong. Most of us escaped, cut, bruised and burned, but alive.
Here we are now, living amongst them, pushed to fake a personality, to put up a façade in order to survive. No one really knows what we really are, and of they ever found out, we would be tormented, outcasted, or even killed, although, this isn't our only life.

Now, there are smaller sanctuaries, usually just specific apartments, schools, hospitals, and even stores, made to accommodate us so we could feel as free as possible, but to look human on the outside. Most of us were vampires or werewolves, such as I, in the one I stayed at, but we all got along. Until, they began showing up, humans that started becoming more aggressive with us, yet they didn't notify the locals we were here. We all thought of this as something strange, but we just tolerated this.

We soon realized why this was. It was triggered when a vampire won a contest of mostly humans in the school we went to. One of the girls who was competing walked up to the vampire and told her, while growling under her breath, "there's no way we'd lose to a vampire, no way I could ever lose to a monster." Her eyes began to glow green, as did the other girls around her.

Their skin faded to a blotchy blue, their bodies increased in size, enough to be larger than most in the room. Their clothes ripped as their body changed, their arms, shoulders, and legs grew small, red feather-like growths, their teeth sharpened and showed clearly. Wings sprouted from their back, the fibers of the wings appeared a faded orange, the arms of the wings the same blue as the skin, along with the same red growths. The new monsters' feet became more like of a bird, along with the nails becoming talons.

They roared and began flying above, and soon after, attacking not only the vampire who won the competition, but every other vampire in the area. Looking above, I saw not only the girls who had turned in front of us, but many of these same creatures. Some of us monsters call them Blue Demons, Sirens, or even Harpies, but honestly none of us knew what they could be. We began trying to form saferooms, places we could be free from these attacks. Others who were not trying to form a safe room or retreating into the rooms were either trying to fight off the blue creatures, or were taken, or even killed by them.

Eventually, they began attacking other monsters when vampires began running short. I, along with a few monsters and the few humans left who hadnt transformed, was trying to help others escape the chaos. A human, one I had befriended and even fell in love with, began to feel faint. I saw his body begin to fade to blue, like how I saw with the others. At first, he appeared scared, but as the transformation went on, he became as angry and animalistic as the others. Once his wings grew out and spread, I knew he was going to join them. I quickly grabbed on to him, hugging him, trying to hold him back. He screamed and roared as I held on, but I didn't let go. I tried my hardest to try and bring him back, but nothing worked, or so it seemed. I kept holding on, and soon he stopped struggling, came to his senses, and realized what was happening.

The sun began to set, and a group of higher monsters in the community began to try and figure out how this came to be. We came to the conclusion they weren't natural monsters, due to never being seen before, and that they were geneticly modified humans. We also came to the conclusion that they were made to eliminate the remainder of us left. Even though there were a few monsters who were found out in work and living communities that were brought to "justice", this meant that someone found out about our small society that hadn't died off in that fire. This was their way of finishing us off. We spent the rest of this time figuring out how we should approach this situation.

Night fell, I along with other werewolves began turning. We made sure mostly everyone, besides the now converted beast that was once my love,was inside safely during the first phase of our transformation, and during the second phase, we only prepared for the uneven fight we were about to join. We knew we were outnumbered, but we also knew this was the only way we could protect our home and way of life. This was the only way to restore peace to us "monsters", this was the only way to save our now divided sanctuary.

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