DenIce Part 5

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Emil "uh sure Lukas what did you have in mind"

Lukas "maybe we could go for a walk"

Emil "uh ya that sounds nice"

Lukas "good I'll see you then"

I started walking to my room when Mikkel stopped me.

Mikkel "ready for our date babe"

Emil "uh about that, Lukas wants to go for a walk and I said I would..So maybe we can hangout when I get back?"

Mikkel "ya that's fine but you'd be crazy thinking I would let you go without a good bye kiss"

I rolled my eyes and stood up on my tip toes so I could peck Mikkel on the cheeks.... Apparently that wasn't good enough.

Mikkel "you call that a good bye kiss"

Mikkel than proceeded to pick me up and start making out with me just as my brother entered the room. As soon as he saw us making out he made a disgusted noise and started walking away. I followed after him eventually catching up with him.

Emil "Lukas why are you so against our relationship"

Lukas "because he's not a good guy and your not ready for relationships"

Emil "how do you know I'm in a relationship, I'm happy with Mikkel and if you can't deal with that I don't want anything to do with you!"

I stormed out of the room on the verge of tears. I spent the rest of the night with Mikkel, not wanting to deal with my brother right now.

Mikkel POV

Emil came into my room crying obviously from another fight with Lukas. I would have to deal with him later and get everything sorted out but right now Emil needed me. We were both in boxers as we cuddled in my bed. I stayed up until Emil was asleep.

I woke up with Emil in my arms fast asleep. We didn't have school today so that meant that we could spend the whole day together, but first I needed to talk to his brother.

I quietly got dressed and went to go talk to Lukas. He was sitting down at the kitchen table so took a seat across from him.

"we need to talk about Emil and I" Mikkel said in a stern voice.

Lukas "yes we do, stay away from my brother that's that"

Mikkel "we both know that's not going to happen, me and Emil love each other and your just hurting him"

Emil's brother just stormed out of the room without another word. I don't know why the guy hated me so much. I decided that Emil was probably awake and so I made my way back to my room so I could cuddle with Emil and plan our day.

We decided that we would spend some time at the park, go to a movie and end the day with each other.

Lukas's POV

I had had enough of This Mikkel guy messing with my little brother. I would follow them on there stupid date and find out everything Mikkel is doing wrong and convince my brother to break up with him. I mean I'm not stalking them I'm just looking out for my brother.

Iceland's POV

Mine and Mikkel's walk in the park was so peaceful. For some reason I couldn't stop smiling and every time Mikkel showed some affection I would blush but wouldn't really mind it. By the time our date was over we were laughing and being way to cuddly with each other. We got home and I could tell what Mikkel wanted. I grabbed him tie to pull his face closer to mine but before I could connect our lips the front door opened. I immediately separated and a huge blush made its way onto my face. I looked over to see Lukas at the front door.

Lukas "Emil come here I have to talk to you and it's important"

I decided that it would probably be easiest If I just heard what Lukas had to say and walked over to him while Mikkel went to "our" room.

Lukas "does Mikkel make you happy Emil"

Emil "yes"

Lukas "well than I'm fine with you dating him , just tell me if there's a problem ok"

Emil "wait what, what's with the change of heart"

Lukas "I see how happy he makes you and your happiness is what's important to me. I'm sorry for giving you two such a hard time, do you forgive me?"

I hugged my brother "I forgive you Lukas"

after finishing talking with my brother I went to Mikkel's room to tell him the good news only to have him pin me to the door and silence me with a kiss before I could say anything.

I'm sure you can imagine what happens next and that's the end of this story, Ty for reading and I appreciate feedback

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