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Holding the bouqet of nice, pink roses, you backtracked to the wiggly tongue painting in the area. Thanks to offering the roses, a new area was opened.

The next weirdest thing you know, you walk behind Deidara between rows of... well.. heads. You could've sworn that one of the heads blinked.
Walking ahead, you could feel Deidara's hand shaking slightly in your small grip.

"What the h*ll, these are just... creepy... un..."

Continuing, you both excited the room.

The next room came to headless mannequins in red, yellow and blue dresses. Paintings came in walls everywhere on the right. More Ladies and other mannequins that brought you feeling very tired of seeing the same things.

"Ugh... Well, [name], we should be careful walking around here.... Un..."
"I know. Don't worry. Hopefully."
"Just don't get hurt, 'kay? It'd be bad if you did. Un."

Running around from Ladies jumping out one after another, Deidara had to try not to scream like a little girl and solved puzzles with you, after inputting all of the numbers in doors and closing them before more petals were plucked off.

"Pant, Pant. WHAT THE H*LL IS THIS F*CKING PLACE!? UN! Ah... Sorry, [name] for you to hear all that. Just ignore everything I said. Un."
"It's okay. I hear that often."
"Hey, are you hurt anywhere?"
"It's okay. Deidara, what about you?"
"I'm alright. It was even crazy to see that I don't have a scratch. Un."
"Hey...Did you hear something?"
"Yeah.. but there's nothing here. Let's check outside. Un."

So after a brief rest, you both unlocked the door and found a mannequin head on the floor. Was it there.....?
For nothing else to be found, you ran to the door near the paintings and found it empty but a mirror.

"Well that was just awkward... There doesn't seem to be anything else in this room. Un."
"Maybe there's a switch like other times."
"... Deidara...?"
"I kind of feel.. like there's something in this room besides us..."
"W-What are you saying...? Uh..."

Seeing nothing from the mirror, both of you turned to walk out, but find a mannequin blocking the door.

"WTF? When did this get in here...? Un."

Turning to look at the mirror, the head floated up to Deidara's eye level, causing him to shout in surprise and fear.

"WTH!? You...!"

Anticipating something to happen, you shut your eyes tight as noises and shattering echoed across the room. Feeling the short fight was over, you looked to Deidara breaking in a short sweat and the head shattered on the wall.

"L-Let's go, [name]. We have to find a way out as fast as possible. Un."

Exiting the room in a hurry, mannequins stood on either side of the frame, and you ran to the last turn, with a gray key on the floor. Picking it up with your frail hands, another painting jumped out, taking a scratch at your flower. Running to the first door you see, Deidara pushed the gray key in and slammed the door shut.

"Phew... I think I'm going mad. Ladies jumping out of paintings. Walking zombie-mannequins. Heads that appear out of nowhere. And now I'm even with a little girl for pete's sake. Un."
"M-Mom... Dad..."

A large portrait of your Mom and Dad hung on the wall, which brought welling eyes on your face as you dared not to left tears fall. Seeing that he hugged you, which brought a smile to your face.


Paintings rose from nowhere and you both had no other option but to run again. Seeing as there was no awy to go anywhere else but the other door, you both dived for it while mannequins blocked all doorways.

"Ouch... I literally dived through the d*mn door... Un."

[Deidara x Child!Reader x Sasori] The World in One PaintingWhere stories live. Discover now