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Entering at the right of the large hallway, once again, you find a man with long blonde hair on the floor, clutching a blue key in his hand. You ran up to him and shook hi, regardless of him being a stranger. You wanted very much to help.

"Are you okay, sir? Um..."


To your dismay, he didn't wake up, so you tried to find something to help.

Running to the left hall, you used the blue key on a blue door and found a Lady in Blue, pluckinng petals off a blue rose! It chased you in the room, before you grabbed the rose and made it out of the room.

But when you thought you were safe, the Blue Lady jumped out of the window, and you screamed, running to the main hall.

Luckily it didn't chase you there, so you panted heavily and placed the blue rose in the vase, hoping it helped. And it did.

Seeing all the petals back in place, you hurried to the man on the floor, hoping it was his. If you had a rose, so could he!

Kneeling down, you held the rose to the man as he opened his eyes and groaned, before looking up to you.

"W-Woah! Un! W-Who are you!?"

"I-I'm [name]. Is this your rose...?"

"Er... yeah... Un. Hey, are you also someone from the art exhibit?"


"Cool, cause I got trapped here, too! Let's try to get out, un. I've had enough creepy things around here. How did you end up here?"


"So... you were suddenly here, too... Well let's not get all moody and ge the heck out! Un!"

Walking with the blonde man, you noticed that he had a nice shade of blue eyes and well kept hair. Although it was so well kept that you asked if he was female. Which earned a face palm. The weird thing you noticed was that 'mouths' were on the man's hands. But after seeing that weird painting with the wiggly tongue, you felt kind of...they were related. :D

A heavy mannequin stood in the way of where you were supposed to go next, so the man, whom you learned was Deidara, offered to push the 'ugly piece of thing that you can't even call art, un,' and both of you walked cautiously into the next room.

The Grieving Bride and the Grieving Groom. Two hands on either side. A game.

After poking around the hall for a while and having a staring contest with a swollen eye, which Deidara found very creepy, you found a wedding ring that had something to do with the bride's hands.

"Which hand does the ring go?

"Isn't it on the right?"

"But my mom had a ring on the left."

"Uh.. I don't know these things, so just get it over with. Un."

"But what if something happens?"

"Then I'll be waiting right over there. Un."

So being the cautious Deidara he is, he walked over to a corner and stuck to it as close as possible. [Obviously being a- /Deidara: OH H*LL NO! UN!/]

Thinking about your mom's warm hand, you slipped the wedding ring on the left hand. To which, you caught a bouquet!

"Hey, you did it! Un!"

"Does that mean I'll have a nice husband in the future?"

"Sigh... Maybe. Maybe. Un."

[Deidara x Child!Reader x Sasori] The World in One Paintingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن