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"Pant, pant... HAH! That showed those ugly pieces of crap! It'd be better if they exploded though..."

Running far away from the door to paintings of heads, you and Deidara began to kneel down as you panted heavily. Feeling your eyes droop tiredly, you collapsed on the floor.

"[name]? [name]!? [NAME]!?"


"What the...? Where am I...?"

You opened your eyes to a weird place with a door in front. Seeing nothing else, you walk into it, finding another door... What was going on?

"Deidara...? Deidara....? Where are you!?"

Turning around frantically, you find the door in front swing forward, leading you to darkness... And there... A group of monsters awaited you...

"N-No! Stay away! Deidara! Mom! Dad! HELP!!"


Opening your eyes again, you sat up in a daze with Deidara by your side. You were covered with his jacket, which was surprisingly warm, and tears dripped from your cheeks in your nightmare.

"[name]... You're okay.. Or not. But how are you feeling?"

"I-I had a nightmare..."

"With the things you see here, I'm not surprised you had one. Un.

"Hey. Check the pocket. Un."

You blinked and checked one of the pockets to find nothing there.

"No, not there, the other one. Un."

You did so and found a piece of strawberry candy in the pocket. You looked up expectantly for an answer. And Deidara smiled warmly.

"You can have that. It'll make you feel better. Let me know when you're ready to go. Un."


You pocketed the strawberry candy and stood up, flinging Deidara's jacket to rid of the dust and handed it back, before flashing a thankful smile and gripping his hand in an excited manner.

"Un. Well, let's go!"


[Deidara x Child!Reader x Sasori] The World in One PaintingWhere stories live. Discover now