Chapter 15

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Skylar was used to having to fight slow-moving walkers when they moved from house to house, she never had to worry about another person. She didn't think there would be other humans out there and even if they were she wasn't expecting so many of them to be crazy. This was a whole new level to the apocalypse that Skylar did not find very fun. Rick had gotten them to start making weapons from their belts and other items of clothing almost immediately after he came into the car. They each took turns telling their story from leaving the prison to now, with the new members explaining their past and how they found Maggie, Glen, Sasha, and Bob. Skylar and Carl worked together on making their belts fit over their knuckles so they could stab and punch better. Daryl was standing guard, peeping out of a crack on the door. Everyone stopped working when they heard talking and a few shouts.

"Okay, there are four coming our way," Daryl said.

"Remember, aim for the eyes and then the throats," Rick ordered. Carl and Skylar stood side by side with one last look at each other.

"Put your backs to the wall!" A man outside told them. They stayed in their spots, ready to jump out the door when it opened. Then there were footsteps on the top and no one put their guard down on the front door in time until a can was dropped from above. Abraham yelled at them to move just in time for a bang and cloud of smoke. Skylar couldn't see anything and was pushed to the ground with Carl on top of her. She was on her face with her knees tucked in and Carl's hands held tight over her mouth while he leaned over her, coughing and gasping into her hair. Everyone was coughing and gasping, there were thumps from them stumbling, and the sliding door opened. Skylar couldn't see anything but could hear the struggling then the door slamming shut and leaving them in a cloud of gas of darkness.

Everyone was still coughing loudly when the smoke had cleared. Carl wouldn't get off of Skylar until Michonne told him it was okay. Skylar stayed sitting because her legs were numb and she was too dizzy, too busy coughing to stand up. Michonne rubbed her back while everyone else found their footing and questioned what was happening.

"Where's Glenn?" Maggie started to panic. Skylar looked around when her eyesight had cleared and couldn't see Glenn. Much less Daryl, Bob, and Rick. Only Abraham and Eugene were in the car with the girls and Carl. Without Rick, how would they get out? He was their fearless leader, they need his help to get out of here. Skylar didn't know what to do so she stayed on the ground with her head on Carl's shoulder.

"It'll be okay." Carl grabbed her hand and rested his head on her head. "We'll get out." Skylar didn't think she could believe him, but she didn't say anything. Skylar was getting tired of not knowing what was happening out there and was not ready for the return of the people of Terminus unless they had her people. But the small moment was quickly put to an end when a loud bang made the train car shake and their ears ring.

"What the hell is going on?" Abraham banged on the door. Skylar and Carl stood up, joining the group at the door.

"Someone hit them," Michonne whispered.

"Maybe they got free." Sasha tried to show a twinge of hope. Eugene pushed past them and knelt down at the door.

"Maybe if I use this, it'll open the door." He said while everyone stared at him.

"Shut up." Rosita told him.

"My dad's going to be back." Carl stepped forward. "They all are."

"They are." Maggie had composed herself and agreed. Skylar could hear some distant gunfire, shouts, the awful growls of the dead. She didn't want to die right now. She wasn't ready. She wanted to get out and fight her way out of this God forsaken place. She wanted to get out of here alive with everyone.

"Skylar, come on. We will make it out." Carl pulled her down next to him as they started working on their weapons again. But she couldn't concentrate. There was too much going on outside. Too much screaming and the smell of burning was making her nose sting. Carl kept looking up at her and they would stare at each other for a few seconds and then get to working again. Skylar didn't know why he was doing it and his blue eyes were so intense it made Skylar feel a little nervous.

Eugene was talking to the other adults about science that flew over Skylar then stood up and started talking about what he used to do with science stuff that Skylar didn't understand. Some people had been questioning him because he said he knew the cure for the sickness that had spread but wasn't telling them what he knew. Personally, she thought he was full of it. She could also understand him not wanting to tell her group; they are new to him, and he doesn't really have their trust. But she still thinks he's just pulling them along. In the middle of Eugene's speech, the door was wrenched open.

"Come on! Fight to the fence!" It was Rick and the rest of the guys. Carl and Skylar jumped out towards Rick who hugged them quickly and then pushed them to the fence. They all ran, stabbing whatever got in their way. Skylar was grabbed a few times, but Carl saved her and kept her running. They got to the fence and all jumped over. Rick kept shooting, making sure nothing slowed them down. Then he jumped over and they ran from Terminus.

They jogged through the trees, Daryl leading them to a spot on the ground. Skylar didn't understand why until Rick got down and started digging. This was the spot he had hidden their extra guns and supplies.

"Take the rifles. Finish them off." He told them. Skylar watched Rick as if he were crazy and she wasn't the only one.

"What?" Bob asked.

"They don't get to live."

"Rick. We got out. It's over." Glenn tried to reason.

"They'll run or die," Maggie added. Rick was silent, thinking it over. Skylar thought it was stupid if he turned them around and went back to Terminus where flames were spreading and walkers had taken over. There's no way there could be anyone alive there. Daryl suddenly turned and took off running. Skylar looked to where he went and saw a woman with short hair and a bloodied poncho covering her. It was Carol. Daryl was hugging her tight and everyone walked over to say hello.

"Did you do this?" Rick asked her when she stopped hugging Daryl. She started crying when she nodded her head and Rick took her in his arms.

"You have to come with me." She told him. She led them out of the forest in silence and onto the road. They didn't have to walk long, just up a hill when a little cabin came into view. A shadowed figure, a very large shadowed figured stood on the porch holding what seemed to be a kid. When they got closer, she saw it was Tyreese holding Judith. When Rick saw his baby, he dropped his bag and bolted toward them, with Sasha and Carl following close behind. Rick was crying, holding Judith close. Skylar saw Daryl's lip tremble and grabbed his arm to put over her shoulder.

"They're okay." She told him.

"We're all okay." He grunted.    

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