Chapter 14

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When Carl was done crying and they had sat around watching the people working inside of the fence for a bit, they met back up with Rick who was burying their extra guns. He was signaling them to be quiet and then climbed over the fence with Michonne behind him. Daryl stayed back to help Carl and Skylar over it and was the last one over. They slowly made their way into the factory, Daryl leading the way and Rick behind them. The hallway they entered was dark except for the light coming from a room. A voice also echoed to them, most likely coming from the room with the glow.

"Those who arrive survive. Terminus. Sanctuary for all. Community for all." Repeated over and over again. They walked the wall with Daryl leading and he peered around the corner to look in. He gave it a once over and gave them the go ahead. When Skylar stepped in, she could tell it was a warehouse. There were people working at a few desks scattered about and a map of the United States was hung up on a wall. There was a woman sitting at a desk in the middle of it all with a large set of headphones and a microphone of sorts in front of her face. She was the one speaking the mantra. Everyone's boots were so soft on the hard floor that no one took notice until Rick said hello.

The people working jumped and stared at Rick's dirty group. No one said anything, just stared, trying to figure out what to do with each other.

"I bet Albert was on perimeter watch." A man with a fed up tone threw his pencil on the desk he was at. He then came around it to walk up to them, but not too close. He was tall and skinny with brown hair plastered to his forehead. "You here to rob us?"

"No," Rick replied. "We wanted to see you before you saw us." He holstered his gun, but Daryl kept his crossbow out, so Skylar kept her own pistol out as did Carl. Skylar's gut felt like it had so many butterflies she was going to explode. She didn't like the feeling and wanted to leave.

"Makes sense," He nodded his head and moved a little bit closer with his arms spread out. "Usually we do this at the entrance; Welcome to Terminus. My name's Gareth. Looks like you have been out there long."

"We have," Rick nodded his head. "Rick. That's Carl, Skylar, Michonne, and Daryl." Gareth waved to them and smiled, but something about his smile made Skylar feel uneasy.

"Chill guys. We all know it's a little nerve-wracking. But just like us, you came for sanctuary, right?" He sounded calm and almost amused by the situation. Rick nodded again. "Good. 'Cause you found it. Alex, come here. He will show you around, answer and ask questions. Ah, but first we have to take the weapons." The five all looked at each other, having a silent conversation. Of course, none of them wanted to put down their weapons in a strange place but what choice did they have? Rick nodded so they all put them down. Gareth and Alex then proceeded to pat them down. Skylar always hated pat downs. On the occasional airplane trips her parents took her on, she hated going through security. Having old, smelly women get in her face was not a pleasant experience and now having a guy grope her sides was even worse.

"I'd hate to see the other guy," Alex, a smiley man with short curly hair and a small beard, commented towards Daryl.

"You would," Rick spoke with authority. Skylar remembered hearing it if Carl was in trouble.

"They deserve it?" Alex asked Skylar.

"Yes," her mouth moved before she could actually think of the answer. But she squared her shoulders and tilted her chin up. She could see both Rick and Carl glance at her out of the corner of her eyes.

"Just so we are clear, we aren't stupid. And neither are you. So don't try anything stupid, and we won't have any problems. Just solutions." Gareth told them. He then turned his back on them to walk off and Alex gave them their weapons back. Skylar looked at her gun and then Carl. Were they really giving back their weapons? Alex told them to follow him out a door in the back of the room.

Darker Skies *The Walking Dead*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon