Chapter 8

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Amy's P.O.V.

It's dark.

Everything is dark but my eyes are open. My breathing quickens. I can hear my heat beat. I close my eyes and reopen them to make sure they weren't closed in the first place and that i really was awake and not just imagining i was awake.It's still dark. I close my eyes and pull my knees up to my chest.

I'm hyperventilating. I don't know what to do. I don't know what's in the darkness. Actually i do know whats in the darkness the shadows and harry i don't know for sure if harry has anything to do with this or it is just my mind playing tricks with me. I know what i saw am sure of that it was a shadow behind harry whispering something in his ear right before i black out. I mean it only makes sense its him i need to talk to him tonight.

I catch my breath I gather the courage to glance around the dark room. I see some one sitting at the desk and I scream and hide under the covers. With my eyes closed tight praying its just in my head and there's nothing there. I hear someone walking around. What if they get me? the shadows am clearly no match for them. What if they hurt me? 

What if its not a shadow and just a nurse what if the nurse brings me to Dr. Westing or worse Dr.Evans? I can't go back to Dr.Evans. I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I stay still closing my eyes tighter.

"Amy." he whispers I automatically know who it is it's him or should i say harry I slowly open my eyes. Harry is standing over me with his eyebrows drawn together. His eyes looked worried and so green. So, so green . A beautiful shade of green like tree leaves in August. Now that I really see him up close I realize how beautiful he really is. 

His eyes, they're captivating. They are so bright yet, they seem sad."Sorry, I didn't mean to scream." 

He gives me a smile."It's okay it's kinda my fault I didn't mean to scare you I should have said something instead of just sitting here looking like a creep." 

"You think." I say as I look around and realize I'm in his bed. I open my mouth to apologize when he cuts me off. "I told them they could put you there because since now we got a bunk bed and you sleep on the top it was to hard to get you on the top." 

"Oh, thanks." I reply and stand up. "What time is it?" 

He shrugs, "Around two." Wow I've been out for awhile.

"What have you been doing?" I ask. 

"Reading and watching you sleep did you know you talk in your sleep." He replies and holds up a book. My book. Zomburbia by Adam Gallardo. I want to scream at him. Scream at him for taking my book . I usually would. But I'll save that for later when i confront him about the shadows and what he knows.

They must have gave me my medicine while I was out. "Oh. Umm, have you read that before?" Probably not. I mean harry doesn't really look like one of those guys who read alot maybe he does reads alot. 

"Yeah. You wouldn't believe how many times I've read it." Ha. Try me.

"I've been reading that over and over again. I love it." 

"Me too" he replies. We both get quiet. It's not an awkward silence but i just don't like silence at all. I have to be some where were its loud or i'll be alone with my thoughts and we all know what happends when I'am. 

"Well, as much as I have appreciated our little book chat, do you want to walk around?" I ask him. He nods and we both get up. Then I remembered something. "You know how last time we went to the library in the middle of the night and you said you an idea but we had to run?"

"Yeah. I remember." 

"Well what did you want to say?" 

"It's nothing. Never mind." he says I roll my eyes. 

"Seriously, what was it?" 

"I was going to say we should pick out a book for each other to read." He says and looks at his feet." But, you know, we don't have to.It's stupid anyway forget." I don't know about this. I haven't read anything out of the horror genre in a long time. love storys and well basically books like that just don't catch my eye any more there all basically the same. 

I think it would make him happy though. If i do this maybe i'll get to him alittle bit more from the books he reads and to his favorite authors to book genre's. 

"No, I like it. We should." I tell him and smile. 

"Really?" Mental sigh.

"Yeah. Lets go now." I say and walk out not bothering to see if he is following.

Am about to make friends with the boy who wants my soul to save his 

Authors Note important: hey guys am back i well be updating tomorrow in the next chapter she well confront harry and then in the next chapters or so you well get a harry pov ect. I update faster when you guys comment and vote.x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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