One Last Date {11}

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Days now have passed and I've finished my last week here in Lincoln bay high school. It's Friday night and tomorrow is my last date with Brayden. Ever since he whispered those words to me over the phone that night, I can't stop thinking about him. I'm going to miss that idiot cow. I'm now watching YouTube videos. The house looks empty with everything in boxes. It looks like when we first bought the house and now it's time to sell it. I look inside my memorable box and take out the book with the picture inside. I take the picture and observe it closely.

"What does this picture mean?" I mumbled to myself thinking about many solutions it could be.

Next Day

It's Saturday, my last day in Canada and also my last date with Brayden. It's now 10 o'clock and Brayden should be picking me up any minute now. I'm wearing dark blue jeans, a comfy sweater with a scarf around my neck, a black jacket, and lastly my hair up in a bun. I grab my purse and put my wallet, phone, etc inside. The doorbell rings and I quickly run down the stairs to the door. I put my shoes on and bid my mom goodbye. I open the door and see Brayden smiling.

"Hey there, beautiful." Brayden said smirking.

I roll my eyes and smile. "And hello to you, mr cow." I chuckle and he does as well.

"Well then my dear lady, we must get going now or else we will miss on the fun activities that sir Brayden has planned for us today." He said with a bad British accent while holding his hand out.

I take it and reply, "Then let's get a move on, sir Brayden." Then Brayden leads me to his car and opens the door for me. I say thank you before getting in. Brayden then jogs to the driver's seat and starts the car. Just like our "fun" day date, we blast one direction or 5sos songs and sing our lungs out. This last date is going to be the best, I think to myself and smile.


First stop of the day was ice skating at an outdoor ice rink. It's good the weather was still good to keep the ice cold and frozen. I look at the window seeing families and friends playing with each other. One family caught my eye. It was a father and a daughter. The father was teaching the little girl to skate. Reminds me of my father. Sucks I don't see him often. I shake the thought off and see we already parked. I get out the car and as well does Brayden. We enter and get our ice skates. We find a nearby bench and put our shoes. What's weird is that as I was putting my feet in the shoes, Brayden was done putting them on and tying them. I look at him with a what-the-heck face.

He saw me and let's out a chuckle. "What? I learned quick tying skills when I was in hockey."

"Well good for you, mister." I reply and mentally rolled my eyes.

Again he chuckles at me and gives me a warm smile. Seems like he saw through my mind. Dammit. He then stands up and kneels in front of me. "Here, let me help you tie your shoes, miss." He takes my right foot and ties my foot securely to the shoe. He does the same with my left foot. He finished tying my shoes and looks up to me with another smile. "There ya go, beautiful."

I give him a chuckle and smile back. "And thanks to you, handsome." Man how I wish something like this would happen in the future. Brayden stands up and let's out his hand in front of me. Will this scene happen a lot in the future? I take his hand and stand up as well.

"Now, you ready to skate on some ice?" He asks still holding my hand.

"Sure," I let go of his hand and quickly run a couple feet away from him making sure I don't fall or twist an ankle. I turn back and say, "If only you can catch me." I then run into the ice rink and start skating. I have to admit, taking lessons to skate in New York were really useful. I'm skating as fast as I can as I see Brayden skating right behind me. Ha this is fun. I smile and skate even faster. It felt so good skating. The gust of wind and the cold touching your face. Feels like heaven, but little did I know my happy moment had to end, by a kid. It was a fast little boy zipping through all the people on the ice rink. He passed me with high speed which made me lose balance and slip. As I thought my whole body was going to touch the cold ice, instead it was caught by two arms. I look up to see Brayden with a mischievous smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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