Seven Deadly Sins

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(Enter - DR. FAUSTUS in his study and MEPHISTOPHELES by his side.)

Mephistopheles: Faustus, now that you've signed the contract, thou shalt see all the Seven Deadly Sins appear in their proper shapes. Behold!

(Enter - All of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS)

Narrator: Of the seven deadly sins, Envy the jealous one along with the rest of the sins as demons appear before Faustus at the first stroke of the ominous witching hour summoned by the underworld's second in command, Mephistopheles. The skin of Envy is a color of moldy green and nothing about it looks human but like leather. Faustus looks upon the demon in a look of disgust. The night proceeds when this third demon meets the doctor...

(Enter - ENVY of the Seven Deadly Sins)

Faustus: Thou art 'Envy'?... Ye vile creature! O, such a revolting sight as yourself makes me sick to my stomach!

Narrator: Appalled at the ugly manifestation of the sin Envy, and the smell of death that surrounds the demon causes Faustus to be downright disgusted with it.

Envy: Thou shan't avert thine tainted self from me. Here I standeth before thee, yet is faced with such... Hypocrisy!

Faustus: How dare ye speaketh of me as 'Tainted'?! I haven't ever been faced with such a ghastly sight as thyself! It is you that taints those all unfortunate enough to be nea-

Envy: A mirror.

Narrator: Faustus was taken aback. Envy spoke before him as if they were kinsmen! The man was insulted to have Envy converse to him to such a familiarity. That small reply Envy gave had angered Faustus.

Faustus: Well, who art thou to welcome thyself into MY home and stand before this great Faustus spewing such insults?! I shan't allow this... Ay, I won't!

Envy: A mirror I mean to say... 'Twas you who reflects myself and ye whom allows us demonic sins to exist.

Narrator: Faustus, clearly shaken by the words Envy spoke is most surprised by this analogy used.

Faustus: ...Nay! NAY! You speaketh of such blasphemy! Blasphemy I say! I am no such nasty a thing as thee!

Narrator: Envy smiles darkly to Faustus as the confidence if the man deteriorates the longer he's surrounded by the demons. The dark night progresses and the conversation between demon and man continues.

Envy: This jealousy inside thyself, it made thou sell your one and only soul! That envious feeling knowing that someone out there MIGHT be better than yourself irks. Do I hone a lying tounge? I hast not a reason to spout lies. I only envy, no more and no less.

Narrator: Faustus, who is still visibly shaking, steps back a few steps. Did Envy speak the truth with those words? The very truth just now that Faustus tried to ignore held deep within him?

Faustus: I- I di... I didn't... It was to... To just...

Envy: Thou hast called me a 'Vile Creature'... Yet who is more of a monster?! Suddenly working with us demons? Ungrateful to the life he... Had.

Narrator: Faustus took in those last words having slight second thoughts about having allowed the demons into his life. He's already signed the contract to Lucifer in blood, his time is limited. Is it to late for one man to save himself and seek forgiveness for turning his back on Heaven?

Envy: You Faustus... Thou DISGUSTS me ye mere mortal! How can it be that I'm the one recognized as the envious if you REEK of not just myself but of greed, pride, sloth... All the deadly sins! You represent all of these seven in a single man?! We are who we are, yet you even disgust us in ways how much you surpassed our very existance. There is no saving you now!


Narrator: Envy leaves Faustus in an extremely vulnerable state of mind. The demon has done his job well, to slowly help Mephistopheles break down Faustus. All by the very first night of the set twenty-four years of the contract. What will Faustus do?... What CAN he do for himself now? Only time may tell.


Scene End.

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