You Can't Be Real

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Aleks laid in his bed awake, but not really. He kept falling back asleep, and each time he looked at the clock beside him five minutes passed by. He couldn't bring himself to get up today.


Aleks groaned into his pillow at the sound of his roommate's booming voice. He curled into the sheets further as the voice grew louder and louder. His door opened with a slam.


An annoyed groan sounded from the bed. "Get the fuck out, Sly."

Sly sighed. "Aleks!" He whined, a lot quieter.

Aleks glared at him from behind the covers. "Sly."

"Aleks, please. We have that double date remember?"

Aleks pulled the covers over his head. "Of course I do, why do you think I'm not moving?" He snapped from under the sheets.

Sly crossed his arms and whined some more, "Oh my God, Aleks!"

"Jesus fucking Christ, fine!" Aleks sat himself up and turned to glare at his roommate, who wore a devilish smile on his face. He always knew how to annoy him into doing something. "Will you leave now?"

Sly replied with a shrug of his shoulders, "Okay." He exited the room, giggling. He didn't even close the door behind him.

"Asshole," Aleks muttered under his breath. He scratched the back of his head and tried his best to not fall back asleep. Otherwise, Sly would come back in and actually drag him out of bed this time.

He was only going on this double date to please his best friend. They were both pretty lonely and wanting a relationship.

But Sly didn't know he was gay.

When Sly told him about this double date, Aleks agreed just so Sly wouldn't feel bad. He didn't want the girl to feel bad either. He didn't know much about her, nor did he even know what she looked like, but he's sure that's she's a nice person.

He grabbed his phone off the bedside table and automatically opened Tinder. Maybe he could talk to his matches instead if the date goes that bad. Although, his current matches were pretty dull and only wanted nudes.

He started swiping through some people to find new matches. At least some people had the decency to put "only here for sex" in their profile. They were instantly swiped to the left. It was so hard to find a meaningful relationship these days.

Then, Aleks came across a profile that made him laugh.

James, Age 24

All I do is play video games for a living. Still cute tho ;)

Yes, he was pretty cute, but he recognized that this guy's pictures were pictures of a youtuber he was a big fan of. He knew those curls, that beard, and that really, really cute face.

"Ooh, who's that?" A voice whispered behind him.

Aleks almost threw his phone to the other side of the room. "SLY! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Sly giggled at him.

"No, really, who was that?" Sly questioned.

"No one," Aleks had his phone screen pressed to his shirt. He turned away from Sly.

"Come on, Aleks. Let me see." He tried to reach for Aleks' phone, going around the bed and hitting him a few times to make him let go.

"Sly!" Aleks was trying to kick him away but to no avail. He was relentless.

Somehow, Sly was able to knock out Aleks' phone from his grasp. Before Aleks could get to it, Sly picked it up and stared at the boy Aleks was looking at. "Isn't this that youtuber guy you really like?"

Completely defeated, Aleks just sat on the bed and didn't even try to steal his phone back. "You mean UberHaxorNova?"

"Yeah... is this Tinder?"

"Yeah," Aleks nodded.

"You like guys?" Sly turned to him with wide eyes.

Aleks nodded again. "Yeah."

Sly threw Aleks' phone onto his lap and stared at him with his mouth open. "Aleks! Why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't have forced you to go on this date!"

Aleks, stunned by Sly's reaction, spluttered out, "I-I wasn't ready to tell you!"

Sly crossed his arms and pouted. "We've been best friends for two years!"

Aleks rolled his eyes. "It's really hard to come out to people, you know?"

"True." Sly came closer and hugged Aleks, squeezing the air out of him. "I still love you."

Aleks smiled and let out a weak, "I know." He patted Sly's side, not really able to hug him back since he was trapping his arms in his embrace.

Sly finally let go and gave Aleks some space, but not before giving him one last final squeeze. "You know, if you just said you didn't wanna go, I could've just asked Kevin."

"Oh," Aleks said sheepishly. "Right."

Sly giggled again. "So..."

Aleks raised his eyebrows at the mischievous smile Sly had on his face. "So?"

"You gonna swipe right?" Sly grinned.

Aleks scoffed. "It's probably not even him."

Sly shrugged. "The Creatures live in Colorado, so it could be."

Aleks picked up his phone and stared at the screen. "That's just convenient for this guy. Why would a famous person even join a dating website? Everyone's just gonna think they're a catfish."

Besides, if this was the real UberHaxorNova, there's no way they'd match anyway. His standards couldn't be that low.

"Aleks, just do it!" Sly screamed at him.

"Why are you yelling at me?!" Aleks screamed back.

Sly shrugged and giggled. "I don't know, I'm just excited." He giggled again. "Aleks!"

"Okay!" He swiped right and stared at the screen with wide eyes.

They matched.

"Ooooh, get it, Aleks!" Sly teased, playfully punching his side.

Aleks was too surprised to say anything. This couldn't be the James Wilson.

But oh, how he hoped it would be.

His heart was racing from the excitement, but his mind kept reminding him that this wasn't real. He wasn't real.

"He could be real," Sly suggested. Aleks must've said that out loud. "And even if he isn't, you could still fuck with him."

Aleks didn't know. What if he got attached and he was the one that got fucked with instead?

Sly broke him out of his thoughts, "Well, I gotta go. I'm gonna invite Kevin instead and you are gonna have some fun with 'James'," he smirked.

"Ha, ha," Aleks droned. He sighed, "You know what? Fuck it." He typed out a quick 'Hey :)' and hit send.

Sly squealed in delight. "Have fun!" He ran out of the room to get ready for his date.

Aleks laid back down in his bed and stared at the one message he had sent.

Let this be real.

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