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Bad habits of the signs

Aries: Patronizing people and making them feel like less

Taurus: Getting clingy to people to the point where the other person just wants to kinda leave

Gemini: Using humor as a defense mechanism to the point where you can't tell if they are joking or not

Cancer: Trying too hard to make people feel okay and getting to the point where they really just need to stop talking

Leo: Getting too into their head about themselves and forget to live their life instead of coasting through

Virgo: Putting themselves down so much as a joke that they start to truly believe those words

Libra: Not learning when enough is enough and pushing people to the point where they have to leave

Scorpio: Not noticing when they are making people upset and just keep piling stress upon people

Sagittarius: Not realizing how truly happy they are in a relationship/ friendship and leaving, then coming back when the person has moved on

Capricorn: Getting so controlling to the point where they can't even have fun anymore

Aquarius: Not listening when people are telling them something super important

Pisces: Thinking that everyone is constantly aware of their feelings and just starts to get way too emotional over little things

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