[ Chapter - Four ]

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The beats of the music were thumping throughout the house as Aairah made her way downstairs and headed straight to the bar corner.

It was just by the kitchen, where Aairah spotted two people serving drinks - supposedly Aadil's servants. She didn't bother ordering her drinks, this was a house party and the fake bartenders were just exaggerating the whole scenario for her.

When Aairah served herself tequila shots, she felt the familiar burn in her throat as soon as she gulped it down, but slowly it soothed her nerves. Vodka, Tequila, Beer, Whiskey - all of them were on Aairah's hit list tonight.

She wanted to drink till the time her thoughts stop making sense, and this new pang of heartbreak that she was experiencing would go away. She knew it wasn't right, Aadil had accepted her after knowing the truth and she should do the same, yet she couldn't find it in herself to give him a chance. For once in her life she was dating someone she admired, not really love - but admire. This was the same guy who didn't even bother himself to go after her once she left his room in anger.

She had known about Aadil's playboy moves but he had fooled her by making her believe that he actually held feelings for her - feelings that her best could never reciprocate for her.

Best friend.

Viaan was another story going on in her mind as she debated with every single thought that tried to overpower her. She loved him - well, she wasn't really sure if it was love or infatuation but whatever this feeling was, it was too strong which always pulled her to him.

Tonight, she wanted to get drunk and forget about all the shit that has happened in her life since last one month.

Viaan, on the other hand was surprised when he came back with drinks in his hands only to find Aairah disappeared. When Ruhi informed him that Aairah had gone looking for Aadil, he felt the recently familiar burn of emotions.

At this point, he wasn't even denying the fact that it was indeed jealousy. He had gone through everything over and over again after he came back from Aairah's place. He tossed in his bed whole night, finally making a sense out of his feelings and it hit him like a truck that all this while he actually liked his stupid best friend.

At first, the thought left him more than happy, escatic even but as soon as realisation dawned upon him that Aairah was not his to claim anymore, the happiness disappeared in seconds.

In that moment, he wanted to call up Aadil, accuse him of the fact that he was dating his girl, the girl who was supposed to be his but then his thoughts striked him that no one else, but he did this to himself. He had voluntarily placed the girl he had feelings for, in the hands of his best friend.

"Viaan?" Ruhi snapped her fingers in front of him to catch his attention and he was caught off guard.

"Um - yeah?" He looked at her.

"You zoned out, what's on your mind?" Ruhi asked, concerned about him. They both were close due to the fact Aairah liked to hang out with two of her best friends.

"Nothing, just a lot going on." He mumbled, more to himself.

Ruhi nudged their elbows, "Care to share?"

"Nothing important, really. I'll go look out for that idiot until she loses herself." Viaan said in a hurry and went to look for Aairah in the crowded house.

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