Young Again pt2

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Jack started to stir from his sleep, and wondered when he had actually gone to sleep. Last thing he remembered… now that was strange, he felt like a great fog was enveloping his thoughts and memories and he felt extremely disorientated and confused. It was quite dark and musty in here, and his body ached all over as I he had the flu or something. Still, he managed to sit up and look around. He looked over to his right and saw a small girl with long blonde hair - about 5 years old. Who the hell is she? He thought. And more importantly why were they in what appeared to be a cell?

Sam started to stir from her sleep, funny since she couldn’t remember dozing off. She looked to her right and saw a boy a lot older than her - about 13 years old. She looked around scared and confused. Where were mommy and daddy? What was this place? Tears formed in her eyes as the fear of this unknown place took over.

Jack saw the girl was frightened so he slowly moved next to her and tried to comfort her. “Hey, it’s alright. I don’t know what’s going on yet, but I’m sure everything’s fine.” He said gently, and pulled the little girl into his arms.

Sam held onto this stranger, even though her mummy had always told her not to talk to strangers, she felt like she knew this boy, and that he was a good person. Summoning up her courage she spoke to him, “Who are you?”

Jack looked into the girl’s shining blue eyes and thought that he recognised something… some feeling, some memory about this person… “I’m Jonathan O’Neill, but you can call me Jack, everyone else does.” He said smiling at her, trying to hide his own fear of the situation from her. “Your name’s Sam, isn’t it?” He asked quietly.

“How did you know that?” Sam said surprised.

“I don’t know really, I just had this thought or memory that I was put in this cell with someone called Sam.” He shrugged while Sam looked confused.

“What’s a cell?” Sam asked as she put her thumb in her mouth and played with her hair.

Jack thought maybe he shouldn’t scare her with the answer, and instead decided on some diversionary tactics. “So, how old are you Sam? I bet you must be about… oooh, 20 years old?”

Sam giggled hysterically and hit him playfully on his chest. “No silly! I’m not that old!”

“Ok, so how old are you then?”

Sam was about to reply when her attention was taken by something else. “Your head’s bleeding!” she shouted, and jumped up to try and have a closer look.

“Where?” Jack asked, and ran his hand over his forehead. Sure enough, his hand came back with blood on it. “Ouch” he said as he felt the lump forming. “Wonder how that happened…”

“The nasty man hit you so you wouldn’t get away.” Sam said in a trembled voice.

“I don’t remember that.” Jack said confused. “What else do you remember?”

“Jack I don’t wanna be hit on the head! Can’t we go now? Get away from the nasty man that hurt you!” Sam was almost crying clutching round his neck.

“Woah, calm down, calm down.” Jack picked her up and stood up to look around their cell. He certainly didn’t want to stick around and wait for whoever hit him to come back. But there was only one way out of this room, and that was through the locked door. He sighed and sat back down again, holding Sam close trying to alleviate her fear. But his own fear was getting a strong grip on him. He had no idea where they were, who had locked them in here, or why any of this was happening – whatever was going on, they were in trouble.

He half wished their captors would walk in, just so he’d know who they were. And then he wanted to take back that wish when the door burst open, and a man with glowing eyes walked in.

Young Again (Sam and Jack)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant