Young Again

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Title: Young Again.

Author: PurpleFairy84

Series: Stargate SG1

Status: complete.

Category: action, adventure, romance.

Pairings: S/J.

Spoilers: None.

Season: any .

Rating: PG 13.

Content Warnings: some violence.

Summary: Two members of SG1 are part of an elaborate Goa’uld trap, while the rescue attempt is hindered by an epidemic on the base.

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters or anything to do with stargate, I just write stories for others to read and enjoy, without making any profit of any kind.

As soon as they stepped through the stargate, they were greeted by the friendly people of P3X-792. “Welcome!” they all cried, and ran towards the team with open arms, surrounding them and propelling them towards their city.

“Friendly folk!” Jack shouted over the din towards Daniel, who had two rather pretty looking women attached to him. Daniel just shrugged like always and went with the flow.

Jack looked towards Teal’c and saw that people were accepting him like the rest, which was unusual as he usually scared people.

Jack himself was surrounded by many people trying to talk to him at once – “Please, come see our city.” “Welcome stranger!” “Would you like some of our Hannad cakes?” “I am Masaan, I’ll guide you through our city if you like…” He couldn’t make out all that they were saying, but he got the impression that they were nice people with a friendly atmosphere.

And that was exactly the problem. Call him over pessimistic and suspicious, but Jack had misgivings about this whole situation. Too good to be true and all that. Plus he hated to let his guard down, even if there seemed to be no danger. So he pushed the enthusiastic people aside and tried to find Sam… she usually shared in his misgivings about people being too friendly, they’d been caught out too many times already. Looking around he realised he couldn’t see Sam anywhere. Fear started to rise within him, even though he tried to quell it and rationalise that she must be in the crowd somewhere.

Even so, once they had reached the city, Jack still couldn’t see Sam anywhere. He went over to find Daniel and Teal’c, and just as he was approaching them, he was grabbed roughly from behind and a knife held to his throat. Struggling against them was no good, they were too many, and they were holding Sam close by with a knife to her throat too. She was unconscious by the looks of it, but he didn’t want to risk that they’d harm her, so he relaxed some and let them drag him away.

He couldn’t call out, but Daniel and Teal’C must have seen the movement and saw Jack’s situation. The last thing Jack saw before he was knocked out, was Daniel and Teal’c firing upon the civilians who suddenly possessed weapons…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jack groaned and held his head. He was lying on a very hard, cold, stone floor, and it was killing his back! Opening his eyes slowly, he sat up and pulled at the restraints on his hands and feet.

“God I hate it when that happens…” he muttered to himself.

“Sir? You’re awake.” Sam sounded relieved.

His head whipped round, and he saw his 2IC in the same position on the other side of the room, pulling at her restraints and hurting her wrists at the same time.

“Carter. Do you know where we are?”

“No Sir, I was captured almost as soon as we went through the gate. They threw a blanket over my head, I suppose so you wouldn’t see me.”

“Any idea, why we were taken prisoner by those lovely folks out there?” He said while still holding his head, there was blood on his hands and his head was throbbing like hell! Must have been when they knocked him out.

Sam made a small smile at his use of the phrase ‘lovely folks’, but was concerned about his head wound. “When they brought me back here they were talking about needing another test subject. I guess that’s you.”

“Ya think?” Jack replied sarcastically.

Sam regarded Jack and wondered if he was really in the mood to hear what she had to tell him, but it was hardly something she could put off.

“So I’ve been listening to their conversations,” she started quietly. “…and it seems the only reason we’re here is because they want to test some new drugs on us.”

“Oh, just great!” Jack exclaimed, while holding the cut on his head. “Well Major? Any ideas on how to get out of here? Coz I sure as hell ain’t being no guinea-pig for these guys!”

Sam looked at Jack and saw the blood dripping down his hands. “Sir, are you alright? That wound looks pretty bad.” She said gently.

“I’m fine Carter. Let’s just concentrate on getting out of here huh?”

Easier said than done, Sam thought. “At least Daniel and Teal’c got away. I heard the guards talking about it.” She said reassuringly.

Just then, the guards entered the room followed by what appeared to be doctors.

They got out some needles and proceeded towards Sam. She struggled against them, but restrained she was helpless as they injected her with whatever drugs they intended testing.

“NO! Get away from her! What are you doing?!” Jack cried to no avail. And when they finished with Sam they moved onto Jack and did the same.

And then they left.

Sam and Jack looked at each other. “For some reason I was expecting the results to be instantaneous.” Sam said, confused.

“Great, now we get to wait and worry about what’s gonna happen to us.” Jack said grumpily. Daniel and Teal’c had better hurry up!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back at the SGC, Daniel and Teal’c were in a briefing with General Hammond about the sudden change in the people’s attitudes on P3X-725.

“It was crazy,” Daniel was saying. “They seemed such friendly down-to-Earth people… then all of a sudden they were armed and viscous and we see Jack and Sam being hauled away to a holding cell!”

“Daniel Jackson,” Teal’C calmly cut in “there was little we could have achieved. They appeared to be at a primitive stage of technology and gave us no reason to fear them.” Teal’C then turned to address the General. “General Hammond, it seems strange that such a simple culture could possess the advanced weapons technology that they displayed.”

“Teal’C is right, there must be something else going on there, some other race or culture influencing them. I find it hard to believe those weapons were their own. They were so much more advanced than ours that Sam and Jack were over-powered easily, we were lucky to be able to escape ourselves.”

“We must go back with reinforcements.” Teal’c stated firmly.

Daniel looked a little dizzy and held tightly to the desk.

“Are you alright son?” Hammond asked, and when he didn’t get a reply -“First we have to get you to the infirmary! Teal’C help me escort him down.”

Teal’C nodded and proceeded to the infirmary with Daniel leaning heavily on his shoulder. Almost there, Daniel collapsed unconscious onto the floor, and Hammond came running up – “Teal’C call Dr Frasier and ask for her assistance while I check Dr Jackson is ok.”

He had just knelt down next to Daniel to check his pulse when Teal’C’s prone body fell to the floor, collapsed along with the unconscious Daniel. Worried, Hammond had to call for help to get them to the infirmary....

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