Chapter 2

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PART 2, yay :) I honestly didn't think people would read this other than my friends, so thank you! Again, I love feedback, so good or bad feedback is accepted. I'd love to know what you think of my story. Love, Ash xx

I let out a small gasp. There he was. "Going somewhere?" he smiled. I couldn't breathe. He grabbed my arm and yanked me to run. We ran what seemed like forever again. I couldn't handle it. "Can you just work with me here?" I kept running but felt like I could collapse. How did this happen?? What did I do? He yanks harder and shakes me from my thoughts. "C'mon, we gotta go.." We run a little more further to an empty parking lot. He leads me to a single black car. He pushes me to the back of the car. My back is to him.

He pushes me against the car and takes my hands behind my back. I hear a clicking sound along with the feeling of cold metal on my hands. "Uhm, what are you doing?!" I yelled. "I don't want you running away again. I need control of you." He spun me around. "And that's exactly what I intend to get." He smiled devilishly. "You're're fucking crazy!" I began to run and he pulled me back. "Kid, you're an idiot. You look pretty smart, you work at a bank, don't be so stupid." He looked me down. "What?" I said crudely. "Nothing," He gestured to the trunk of the car. "Get in." I stepped back. "What?" He sighed. "Get. In." He opened the trunk and pulled out the gun from his pocket. "No." I said. This time he stepped back. "No?" He asked. "Yeah, no." He laughed a little. "I have my ways, kid." He showed the gun. "I can make you do whatever I want.." He winked and smiled. Ew, I thought. "That's sick. And anyway, you're the one who's not very smart. The cops are obviously after you, and if they catch you, the first place they'll look is the trunk. But if I sat in the front seat, it's less obvious." He sat there and thought. I felt relieved. I sighed massively. "Alright, fine. Have it your way."

He walked over to the drivers seat and got in. I walked over to the passengers door and stood outside the car. He yelled through the glass. "Get in!" "Uhm, I can't?!" I turned around to show my handcuffs. I heard him swear under his breath. He got out and shoved me in the car. He got in the car. "Better now, princess." He said sarcastically. "Lovely," I mumbled. He started the car and sped through the parking lot. We were now on the highway, almost crashing into every car. He didn't put my seatbelt on my and I felt like I was on one of those rides at a theme park that you spin to get movement. I slammed into the window hard.  "You wanna slow down?!" I said. He barely slowed down.

He drove some more than slowed down and parked in the middle of nowhere. Up ahead was a small white shack on a little hill. He opened my door and I got out. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "Just walk, okay?" He started walking and locked the car behind his back. I looked around. No sign of neighbors, city life, nothing. I can't run, where will I go? I turn back around and there he is. "God! You scared me!" I scream. "Good, maybe you'll stop running away from me now." He turns away. I'm shaking with anger. I don't care if he's got a gun, I'm pissed now. "Are you joking me?!" I yell. He turns around, shock on his face. "What?" "You kidnapped me, handcuffed me, threw me into a car with no seatbelt and my shoulder hurt, you threatened me with a gun, and now you want me to walk up with you to some dingy shack?" I stepped back. "I'm not doing it. And take off that ski mask, show decency." He took off the ski mask and I cringed. I think I was expecting something  more frightening. Something more scary. But, I was wrong. So wrong. His hair was black, pushed up into a quiff. Much better than my blonde, now turning brunette, quiff. His eyes were the most incredible shade of brown, they were entrancing. I could stare into them forever. He had the most defined,  most perfect jawline I had ever laid my eyes on. And his lips were thin, but pink and soft looking. And I wanted them as badly as I shouldn't. He chuckled. "Enjoying the view?" He put his arms over his head. I could see his half sleeve now. God, I want him so bad. "God, no." I spat. I began walking toward the house. He walked next to me in silence. I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to look at him. Part of me wanted to kill him. Another part of me wanted to get in his pants.

As we approached the house, he turned to me. "What?" I said. He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it. "Nothing." He said shaking his head. He opened the door and he smell of cigarettes and alcohol hit me almost immediately. The shack was small and dingy, like I suspected. There was a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom and a tiny living room. I felt his presence behind me. He put his hands on my cuffed hands and turned something. I felt a click and my hands were now at my side. I was let go. I rubbed my wrists, they hurt so bad. Each of them were red, swollen, and bruised. I winced in pain. I looked around, still rubbing each wrist. I walked into the bedroom and took a look around. It was simple, a bed, a closet, and a dresser with some pictures on it. I picked up one of the pictures on it. It was him and some girl. She was blonde, with a pink ombre. Her smile was wide and her arms wrapped tightly around his waist. He was smiling. He looked very hot. "What are you doing?" He came into the room and grabbed the picture from my hand. I sat on his bed. "I'm sorry..I was just looking at it. I didn't--" "You can't just come in here and touch my stuff. I don't want you touching that. Ever. Got it? Good. Now stay. I'm going out." I looked at him and without thinking I reached for his hand. It sent shivers up my spine. He looked down at the touch. "Wait. Where are you going?" "Out. I just said that." He let go and walked to the door. "Listen, just tell me where your going." I crossed my arms. "Out. I'll be back." He opened the door and turned around. "Oh," he started. "And my name is Zayn." Niall.." I barely said. he winked and left.

He never came back that night.

Criminal {A Ziall Love Story}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang