Part Two

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          The counter lady chuckles. "You're in love?"

          "Yup! And I'm going to talk to her right now." I lick my fingers and straighten up my eyebrows and walk towards the bubblegum princess.

          Slowly approaching her, she gets up from her seat and heads in my direction.

          I'm totally going to ace this. Perhaps! Probably! I hope. Crap! Now I'm nervous.

          "He-llo..." I stutter, with the blonde haired princess currently standing in front of me, with the precious bubblegum ice cream in her hands.

          "Hey!" she smiles, her blue eyes shining.

          "Um, nice to meet you." I blurt out successfully.

          "Yeah me too!" she smiles again. "Um, can you do a favour for me, please?"

          "Uh, s-sure! Anything!"

          She leans down a bit because she was clearly inches taller than me. "I really need to use the the bathroom, so can you hold my ice cream while I'm gone?" she holds out her ice cream to me. "Please?"

          "Uh, w-wh, um, o-okay." I grin at her awkwardly as she makes her way past me. I'm a mess! At least I get to hold the precious bbg ice cream for a while. "And she probably thinks I'm just a weird chubby little kid." I mutter, and then my eyes pop open.

          I need some help!

          And just like a miracle, I spot the number one person that knows a lot more about girls and bubblegum ice cream than I do. Aqueela.

          "Hey!" I yell, rushing over to her.

          She gasps as she sees the ice cream in my hand. "Well, isn't that one melting bubbly gorgeous looking ice cream in your hands. Give it, give it, give it..." She whines, stretching for it.

          "No, it's for bubblegum princess." I say.

          "Okay," she cuts me off, dusting her shirt. "Weird kid."

          "I need a favour, Aqueela."





          "Never, little annoying boy." She says.

          "I'll pay with ice cream."

          She smiles. "Ice cream for a whole month?"

          "WHAT!?" I exclaim. "I'm just a kid, alright!"

          "Then no deal!"

          "Alright alright," I grumble. "One whole month."

          She smiles again. "So what can I do you for?"

          I take a deep breath and say, "Okay, the owner of this ice cream is a princess. Problem is, I'm having a hard time talking to her. Help!"

          "Aww! Little pork burger has a crush." She says.

          "Pork chop."

          "What?" she questions.

          "Pork chop... You call me pork chop." I correct her.

          "Do you really keep tabs on the names I call you, blubbster?" she says. "Because nobody does."

          "Whatever Aqueela. Just help!" I remind her.

          "Okay, first of all, your crush has excellent taste." She gives a thumbs up. "Secondly, just play cool and be your normal annoying self. I mean, girls your age probably love it. I hope." She pauses. "Just start off by asking for her name."

          "Um, okay." I say, spotting bubblegum girl heading back. "Here she comes. See ya!" I hurry back, leaving Aqueela, and heading to the spot where my bbg princess left me.

          "Hey!" the bubblegum girl smiles and collects her ice cream back. "Thanks for holding my ice cream for me."

          "No problem. But hey, can I ask what your name-" she quickly leans in and gives me a peck on my cheeks, not even allowing me to finish! "Bye!" she says, then gently jogs out of the ice cream shop, still leaving me dazed.

          And I didn't even get a name.

          "Aww! Your first kiss." I hear a voice say as I turn to see Aqueela standing behind me smiling.

          "Whoa whoa whoa!" I cut her off, finally out of my trance. "That wasn't my first..." I take a deep breath. "Okay maybe it was."

          "And no name?" She puts on a sad face. "Life will always set you back, Blubbchop, and when it does... Have a yummy bubblegum ice cream, everyday, for a whole month." She smiles, raising her eyebrows.

          "Alright, alright!" I reply sadly. "But one day, I'll find my bubblegum princess."

          "One day!"

          TO BE CONTINUED...

          NOPE... THE END!

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