Spider-Man At Work

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I woke up the next morning, bruised and sore. I needed more sleep, but that couldn't be helped any more than Kevin Bacon accidentally being cannibalized by idiot fangirls.

I walked to the subway station, and hopped on the train to the city. The weather was sunny, just like them day when...


I couldn't think about that day, not even five months after it happened. There's nothing I could have done, nothing I could ever do to change it... but still, I grieved.

I grieved for Gwen.

I walked off the train in a listless stupor, catching the 7 to the Daily Bugle office. Because I had taken no pictures, I ducked into an alley and changed into my Spidey suit. 

I swung about the buildings, performing acrobatic maneuvers as the camera automatically snapped pictures at the command of my phone.

 As I went back to retrieve it, I heard a yelp and a muffled scream. A man was pinning a young woman to a wall...

I leapt into the fight, knocking the man off the poor girl before the scene could worsen, and slammed him into the asphalt. 

Picking him up by the scruff of his neck, I held him at arm's legnth. "I'mma give you THREE CHANCES to hit me. Ready?" The man nodded, and swung his fists explosively. He still couldn't touch me.

"Strike one," I said, dropping him to the floor. "Strike two," I shouted as I webbed his ankle to the ground. "Strike three," I growled as I punched him in the jaw, knocking the day lights out of him.

Turning to the girl, I said calmly, "You OK?"

"Yeah," said a shaken-up Mary Jane Watson. "Well, not quite..." 

And she rolled up my mask and kissed me.

DUN DUN DUN cliffhanger ending!!! #sorrynotsorry for making you wait for this! Enjoy!


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