J. J. J., where have YOU been living?

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Dressed in a plain black hoodie and dark jeans, I literally ran from Forest Hills to Fifth Avenue to get to my interview after meeting with Mary Jane outside her new house.

When I finally got there, I thought I busted a lung, because it was impossible to breathe. As I went up the elevator to the Daily Bugle's headquarters, I wondered what I'd show them to prove my skill.

And then I got an idea.

I pulled up some of my old amateur photos of Spidey on my camera and transferred them to my phone (handy USB cables are handy). Then I proceeded to enhance the quality greatly, so I looked really good at this kind of shot. Then I transferred them back.

As I walked into JJJ's office, I immediately knew he hated me.

"Parker, you're late," he growled over his cigarette. And he looked ticked too! The guy scared me, is all I'm saying.

"I know, Mr. Jameson," I mumbled. "I had some... Business to take care of." Which wasn't a lie.

"Well, let's get down to business," he said (somewhat quietly). "CAN. YOU. TAKE. A. PICTURE?" He asked, enunciating every syllable.

"Y-Yeah, Mr. Jameson, can I just print out my photos?" I asked, gesturing towards his printer.

"GO AHEAD," he said gruffly.

As the printer spit my pictures out, we talked about Spider-Man (in case you haven't caught on yet, me).

"Spider-Man is a MENACE TO SOCIETY," growled JJJ.

"Then why does he save people, Mr. Jameson?" I looked at him imploringly.

"He doesn't, he puts on a GOOD SIDE for the PUBLIC!" he argued menacingly.

"What did he do with Electro, then? Green Goblin? Rhino? The kinds of people who you say he'd work with as opposed to against?" I said, playing Devil's Advocate for my soon-to-be boss.

"Er... Um... SHUT IT OR NO JOB, PARKER!" He barked. He knew I needed this job badly.

I handed the pictures and he looked through them, musing about Spider-Man and robbing a bank. I didn't even argue.

"What do you say, $275 per? $250?" I goaded, looking for a score.

"Parker, these are AMAZING! I want more, and I'll give you $350 for each picture if you get me my pics," he choked out looking surprised.

I smirked as I watched him struggle with the next few words. "And I'll give you a Super Hero column, too, so be a good reporter!"

"Oh, don't worry, I will, sir," I reassured, walking out $1050 richer.

This might just work out...

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