Back In... Not Black

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I press the buttons on my old web-shooters to activate the MP3 I built in. One of my favorite songs ever, Back in Black by AC/DC, comes on through the earpieces in my mask. I hop off the building and swing to the scene of the offense.

My name is Peter Parker. You will know me better as Spider-Man.

Five months ago, I lost the love of my life. I quit being Spider-Man, I stopped going to school, I barely ate, I didn't move, and I couldn't sleep. All I can see when I close my eyes is her face as she falls, and had I been there just one second earlier---

No, I can't think about that. I need to get back to being Spider-Man. Only one person can save this city, and it's me.

The crime is downtown. As soon as I get within five blocks of it, I can hear maniacal laughter, gunfire, and a Russian. Damn, I hate the Russian.

His name is Aleksei Sytsyevich. And now he has a new toy. He wears a giant, mechanized rhino-like suit bristling with guns. The cops couldn't win this alone.

I landed on the top of a police car, and that was when I saw the kid I walked home from school once, Joe.

In the street.

Wearing a Spider-Man costume.

I tapped him on the shoulder, attracting stares from the hundreds of New Yorkers standing as spectators for the fight. "Hey kid."

He turned around and looked at me. "It's really you! I knew you'd come back!" He said to me.

I chuckled as I said, " You're the bravest kid I ever met. Now, I got this big mean guy, 'k? Look after your mom," I called, ' cause the mom was throwing a fit.

All of a sudden, I was snapped out of my reverie by shouts of, " KOME DOWN HERE , YU LEETLE WEEMP! I WEEL KEEL YU!"

I nodded to the SWAT officer with a megaphone. "Yo, this thing work?" It did. " On behalf of the NYPD and REAL rhinos everywhere, I'mma ask you to put your mechanized paws in the air."


"So, lemme get this straight. You want me to come down there so you can KEEL me?" I mocked.


"Hang on, I'll be right there." I handed the megaphone to the officer when I was done, to a huge round of cheers and applause. Under my breath, I muttered, "'S good to be back," as I stretched. When the Rhino charged, I webbed a sewer cover near me to my hands as he fired three missiles. Using the cover as a shield, I swung it over my head to block them. Then I smashed him in the face with it and jumped over him.

"Hey Al?"

Surprisingly, he answered. "Yes, Spyderr-Man?"

"Where's the off switch, man?" I jumped over the horn and kicked him through the crack in his faceplate, knocking him out. However, I continued to beat up the suit and make it fully unusable. As the SWATs dealt with Aleksei, I swung off with a whoop and a jaunty salute.

Today may be a brand new day.

(A/N) Hi Readers Of Mine! I just started this, and I'm gonna cut Good Times from the repertoire, that or put it on hold. Hope you like, this will be amazing(get it?) and fun to write. Bye!

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