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The next day we were in the middle of the sea. It was so calming, there was nothing around us, only sea, and the occasional squawk of birds flying overhead. Although I still had to work for the whole day, I was trying to see the brighter side of things.

"Captain," one of the crew members shouted out,"where are we headed?"

Jack turned around on the spot."Well, somewhere very special actually. But first we must make a little stop for supplies."

"But, we just left, Captain."

"Young Gabe," Jack waltzed up to him, placing his hands on Gabe's shoulders,"what have you and the others been drinking?"

"Uh, the rum, Captain."

"And where is that rum?"

"Gone, Captain."

He sighed whilst walking away."Why is the rum always gone?"


The men seemed more chatty today, not as many of them were throwing up. Much to my surprise, the men didn't exclude me from anything though I had been hesitant at first; surely they were just after my body? But that hadn't been the case and I was grateful for them taking me in. Tricks and a few of his mates (who I later learned were Peter, Harvey and Lenny) had now become my friends.

However, the port we arrived at made them all forget about me. It was night time when we arrived but you could see that the whole town was lit up. The Captain decided to take about five men off (two of them being Tricks and Lenny) along with Mr Gibbs and he wanted me too. I didn't complain though as I wanted to start my adventures as soon as possible.

The Captain told us nothing as we stepped off of the ship and walked straight into town. However, the image before me was not pleasant; the square was full of drunken men who were groping at prostitutes, there were fights happening in almost every corner but they were masked by the sound of music being played. Although some scenes in front of me were quite odd in this scenario, there was laughter and dancing amongst the disgust of others. For some reason, it felt homely, I was smiling.

"Well, lads, welcome to Tortuga." The Captain extended his arms out, walking towards the tavern.

The inside was no different, the joyous atmosphere was still going on. I wondered what this place was like in the daytime. Did everyone keep the celebrations (of what I didn't know) carrying on? Or did everyone sleep off their almighty hangovers, ready to start again as the evening came around? Jack seemed friendly with the locals, perhaps he was a local too? His attitude towards life and everyone/thing around him astounded me, I wanted be to more like him.

"Jack!" A group of girls squealed as they hopped off of a table and ran towards him.

He welcomed them with open arms, grinning like an idiot. They were obviously the popular prostitutes as the other men didn't seem too happy that this one pirate was getting all the attention. Glancing at Tricks and Lenny, I saw that they were in a trance with the girls, causing me to roll my eyes at them. I was practically invisible to any man around me now.

"I'm guessing that this usually happens?" I said to Mr Gibbs.

"Oh, aye, las. Jack 'ere be very popular with the ladies."

"I'm not sure whether I like this place or not. It's very different from my small town."

"It grows on yar', don't fret."

Our attention diverted to Jack, who looked like he was in a sea of colours, due to the women's dresses. How could women sink that low for money and attention?

"Ladies, please, I am only here for business." Jack told them.

"Oh, Jackie." The women started to coo, holding him closer. I could have sworn that I saw one of them looking in his pockets for money.

"Once I finish with that, we could sort out a little business of our own." He winked at them as he walked away."Actually, you could all do me a favour, keep my merry men occupied; Miss Pearl and Mr Gibbs, with me."

We followed Jack as he went through to the back of the tavern. No one seemed to notice us but everyone was very drunk. As we went through a door, the noise suddenly quietened and I felt the effect on my ears. There were barrels full of rum and crates that held food scattered around the place. Our footsteps made the old floorboards creak as we followed Jack, wondering what he was here for.

He stopped abruptly, spinning around in the circle, looking like he was confused. Facing us, his head looked upwards, trying to spot something. Mr Gibbs and I looked too but we had no clue what he was trying to find. It was quite frustrating really.

"Jack, what are you doing!?" I exclaimed angrily.

"Oh, so we are on a first name bases." He smirked, knowing that it would annoy me.

"The las be right, Jack. What we be here for?"

"Supplies, just like I said."

"Oh, I thought you were referring to some sort of other business."

"I was. But we do need a lot more rum, I can't stand another hour without it."

"Jack Sparrow!" Another gruff voice called out.

The three of us turned to face where the noise had come from. Three men stepped out underneath the light. Jack's face dropped, looking panicked. They started taking slow steps towards us, Jack taking a few steps back.

"Uh, it's Captain now, actually." Jack pointed out.

"I heard, made a deal with Davy Jones didn't ye'?" The leader called out.

Mr Gibbs gasped."Jack!"

"What? He made a good deal. And the ship was pretty."

"Enough, ye blithering idiot. What are yar doing here?" The leader caught everyone's attention again.

Jack began to gather his confidence."Getting my rum, how about you?"

The men drew their swords."Settling, old feuds."

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