Buildings fell away and the familiar area opened up before her – a large courtyard surrounded by steps leading down into it. She froze as soon as it came in sight. Voices hummed, lifting into the air to form a loud chorus. Sahara's eyes darted over the hundreds and hundreds of teens squeezed into the area. Some sat on the steps, others hovered above on boards, and still others stood on the ground. Every space on the ground was filled, as was a good part of the air.

Now she understood why Terrell had said to give them as little notice as possible. With a crowd this big, it was only a matter of time for Lithium to notice something was up. Sahara took comfort in the fact that a similar thing was happening at the same moment throughout the other territories in the city.

As she took in the sheer size of the gathering every instinct screamed for her to turn around and run. Sahara wasn't good in front of crowds, she wasn't cut out for this.

Stop it, she scolded herself. You can do this. She closed her eyes. For Alegra...for Naomi...for Regona... Her eyes flew open. As her crew came to stand behind her she pulled up a screen on her bracelet. The twins had shown her the day before how to access the feature that would amplify her voice to all those before her.

"H-hello?" She began. She winced as her voice echoed above all the others.

Instantly conversations ceased. Hundreds and hundreds of eyes turned, all on her.

Terror filled Sahara at the realization.

"What makes you think they'll listen to us?" Theodore had asked.

"They'll listen," was Terrell's confident reply. "The tension is already there. Now you just need something to say that'll make it overflow."

"Alright then...what should we say?"

Sahara's eyes darted to her watch. 11:45. She took a deep breath. Be confident. Be a leader. Make them listen. She lifted her eyes to meet the sea of boarders before her.

"My name is Sahara." Sahar jutted her chin out, eyes sweeping over expecting faces. "I am the leader of the Falcons. I am..."

"I am," Theodore was saying at the exact same time from where he stood on a building facing a crowd as large as Sahara's.

"I am," Calvin stood in a large warehouse filled to the brim.

"I am," Glen said from a variety of screens broadcasting his face the filled courtyard.

"I am," Aaron was in what looked like a park.

From his own hideout Terrell looked up from the table he sat at.

Sahara paused. "The fifth Omega."

"The fourth Omega," Theodore said at the exact same time.

"The third Omega." Calvin sounded bored.

"The second Omega." Glen face beamed.

"The first Omega." Aaron lifted a finger to get his point across.

In that moment Terrell got up. "It begins." He pulled up the hoodie of his jacket and pulled up a black mask that covered his mouth and nose. The others in the room followed his lead. "Let's go and raise hell." They walked toward the exit.

Unaware of what exactly was going on every else, Sahara focused on the task at hand.

"Many of you are no doubt wondering why I suddenly called you together."

There were snorts from around her and a few yeahs mixed in as the crowd shifted.

Sahara took another breath as her chest tightened.

Regona City: Tempest (BK3)Where stories live. Discover now