Chapter 1: Still a girl

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"My bag!!!! Thief!!!!" a high-pitched voice cut through the early spring air.

As response to the distress signal, my ears suddenly perked up. From the post I was standing, I looked around in order to find the source of the commotion.

My eyes feed to several directions before they zeroed in just a few meters from my right. A middle aged man was running away with a lady's bag safely tucked under his arms.

"Help!" a woman wailed. "My bag!" she was following far behind and trying to keep up with that snatcher. Unfortunately her steps faltered on the slippery pavement.

A law-abiding-concerned-citizen should not just stand there and watch the show. Although I knew that this would get me into trouble, still I bolted towards the alley in order to follow the felon.

I got a head start but I ran out of luck when I found out that my path was obstructed by a four feet perimeter fence. "Shoot!"

I saw the guy running towards the bend. He seemed to be gaining more distance from me. "Guess, I've got no choice."

Moving a few paces back, I took a sprint and jumped as high as I could. I held on the bar of the fence, hoisted my body up and went over the barrier. I landed on the other side on both feet and then I began pursuing the felon.

"That asshole should learn his place. No one gets rob during my watch!" I muttered under my breath as I ran at top speed. Using several shortcuts in order to catch up with him, I weaved through some of the unused alleys. Pushing myself even more, I was finally able to shorten the distance by a good three meters.

When I was about to intercept him, a brunette girl who was barely on her teens blocked the way with her mountain bike.

However, instead of stopping due to the obstacle, the man forcefully took the bike from the girl.

"Hey! That's my bike!" she shrieked and tried to take her bike back.

Instead of returning the vehicle, the man grabbed the girl and shoved her towards me. As reflex, I caught her before she could kiss the ground.

Unfortunately, I lost balance due to her added weight. We ended up stumbling on the ground.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I helped her up.

Wincing, she nodded. "but my bike..."she trailed off with tears brimming her eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll get it back." I reassured her as I took off. Not minding the slight sting on my elbow, I tried locating the perp.

"Damn! He got away again!" I cursed as I saw him a good hundred meters away.

Noticing the route he had taken, I immediately took an alternate path which served as a shortcut. Hopefully, I could catch up with that bastard.

The route which I took was elevated by almost 3 meters from where he was cycling. My eyes narrowed as I assessed my options. "If I manage to jump down, then that will most likely happen."

"Here's my chance." Ignoring the possible danger, I hurdled the railing and dropped towards the lower path. Just as I had anticipated, I landed a few meters ahead of him.

"Freeze! FBI!" With all my might, I yelled. Gosh! How I dreamt to say those words every night! Finally I got to say it.

I was out of breath but I stood my ground and tried to stop him. However, the bastard kept on pedalling until he zoomed past me.

The nerve! I loosened my shoelaces and hastily took one of my steel toe boots off. I aimed, dropped the boot and kicked it towards the thief.

The boot flew straight towards the felon and... score!

Just a Bet (#NaNoWriMo2015) undergoing reconstructionWhere stories live. Discover now