Chapter Eight

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A/N: Follow these amazing people above!! dxmn_cxm dallas_girl17 and BriBriWilk_Is_Fire

Rachel's Pov

I opened my eyes to see a bright white light. My vision started to become clearer, as I realized I was in a hospital room. I looked at my surroundings and saw Finn asleep in a chair to the left of me.

"Finn. Wake up," I said as I kicked his leg with my left foot, seeing that my right was in a red cast.

"Huh? Oh! Rachel! Your awake! " He exclaimed, jumping out of the chair and hugging me.

"Yes I am, so can you explain to me why I'm here. "

"Some kid dropped his bouncy ball while you were about to serve and you stepped on it, broke your ankle, and got knocked out.

"Did we win the ga-" I said before I got cut off by my mom rushing in.

"Oh my gosh, your okay!" She exclaimed.

"Minus the broken foot, yes I'm okay."

About an hour or so later the nurse came in and told me I was clear to go home. We arrived at my house around 3 in the afternoon, obviously we stopped and got Chick-fil-a. The rest of the day we spent watching One Tree Hill on Netflix, despite Finn's protests.

Around 10, my eyes started to get heavy, and I eventually relaxed and fell asleep right there on Finn's chest, where I love to be. My eyes shot open at around three in the morning and tears were pouring out of my eyes. Finn must have felt me jump up and heard me start crying, because I felt is muscular arms wrap around me and he started whispering sweet things in my ear.

Finn's Pov

I woke up to Rachel jumping up and I heard her start crying. I wrapped my arms around her and brought her back to my chest. I started whispering things into her ear in attempt to calm her down. She finally stopped cry, and relaxed in my arms.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked scared I was gonna make her start crying again.

"Not now. Maybe another day, but not now." She said.

She finally fell back asleep in my arms, just where I want her to be.

Rachel's Pov

Nobody knows what happened, and I don't want them to. This memory has haunted me forever and I wish it never happened. The man was a monster. That monster, was my dad.

A/N: Finally!! I updated!! If you want somebody to blame, blame my teachers and coaches for keeping me after school everyday!! Bye Peasants!!

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