Chapter Three

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A/N: Thank you so much to im_reading_this for the super cute cover, and being the best reader ever. Everyone go follow her.

Rachel's Pov

This boy has some nerve. First he runs into me and asks me to dinner, then he asks my best friend to come to a party and not even noticing I'm standing there, and now he has the decency to ask for my number! Who does he think he is. My thought were then interrupted by my phone signaling I had a text.

Unknown Number: Hey, it's Noah

Me: Hey, what's up?

Puck: I just wanted to tell you that tomorrow after school I will pick you up at 6, dress nice this place is fancy.

Me: You don't have to take me anywhere you know. It was just an accident.

Puck: No I insist. I want to make it up to you.

Me: Okay. I have to fill out this packet so I'll talk to you later.

Puck: Okay, bye.

The things this boy does to me, but I know I can't fall for him. All he does is hook up with girls, and I have more respect for myself than that.

Puck's Pov

This girl has me wrapped around her finger and doesn't even know it. I have "fallen hard" for this girl, and there's no way to stop it. Then there is Santana. She's cool, popular, hot, and way more of my usual type. I should probably date her instead so I can keep my image. There is also Rachel, who is sweet, pretty, smart, and chill, but if I were to date her my image would change. I would lose friends and be less cool. I've got to get over my feelings for Rachel Operation Hook up with Santana is so on.

Santana's Pov

I was just laying in bed about to fall asleep when my phone when off with a text alert. I looked at my phone and saw it was Puck.

Puck: Hey, what are you doing

Me: Just chilling. What's up?

Puck: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me after school tomorrow?

Me: Definitly. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight.

Puck: Goodnight.

I'm excited to hang out with Noah. I just don't want Rachel to find out. If she did I'm sure she would be upset, because a lot of the time boys don't really take interest in her. I hate to say it, but most boys only talk to her for answers to homework or to get close to me. On the bright side I just got asked out by The Noah Puckerman! I can't wait.

Rachel's Pov

I was filling out the packet for school when I got a phone call. I checked to see it was Santana.

"You will not believe who asked me to hang out with them tomorrow after school!" she screamed with excitement.


"Noah Puckerman"

Suddenly I felt my heart shatter into pieces. I thought he actually liked me. Guess he was just trying to be polite.

"'s great" I responded with so much fake enthusiasm.

"I know right."

"Well, um I have to go I'll talk to you later. Bye"

"Alright. Bye"

As soon as she hung up I felt a tear run down my face. I shouldn't of liked him in the first place. He is no good and treats girls with no respect. Tomorrow, when I see him I'm gonna be strong, and not let him see that I'm hurting.
Because, I , Rachel Berry, am to good for boys like him.

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