Huge smiles free on their face as their eyes landed on me, my older sister, Clare, ran over to me and scooped me up, spinning me around.
"Taylor! I missed you so much." She said squeezing me tightly. I laughed and hugged her back.

Clare set me down and I smiled at how much taller I was than her. She was around five foot four and me being five eight she had to incline her head slightly to look at me.
"I missed you so much Tay!" She said, a huge smile one her face. I laugh lightly as I give her another hug. I looked over at Lisa, my little sister. She smiled soft and walked over to me, giving me a big hug.
Emily stood and walked over to us, looking up at her aunts and tilting her head to the side.

Clare and Lisa looked down at Emily with smiles in their faces. Clare crouched down and so she and Emily were at eye level with each other.
"Well hello there. I haven't seen you since you were born." Clare said with a hint of sadness in her voice. She opens her arms to Emily. Emily slowly starts toward Clare and embraces her into a hug. My eyes fill with tears as I watch the scene before me. I feel arms wrap around me and I knew it was Selene. I lean into her, loving the way she felt against me.

"I was thinking that we all take a little run today." My mother suggests. I run the thought through my mind. It would be nice to run with my family again.

"I think that's a great idea mom." A smile lights up her face as she finishes her food quickly, excited that she gets to run with me again.
"I just have to find a babysitter for Emily." As soon as the words leave my mouth my mom shakes her head.
"That's nonsense! She can run with us. It's about time she started her changes anyway." Emily looks up at me with wonder in her eyes.
"I can turn into a puppy too mommy!" I with softly and smile.
"Yes honey you can. Would you like to?" I couldn't even finish my sentence she was already nodding her head with excitement. I let out a big sigh and nod my head.

Everyone eats their food quickly. I could feel the excitement radiating off of everyone, especially Emily. As soon as we were done we took our plates to the sink. Then we were off.

I stayed with Emily as everyone went outside to shift. She was practically jumping out of her seat she was so excited. There is a scratching sound on the door, telling me that they were ready. I take Emily's hand in mine and we walk out. I see Selene first, her midnight black coat standing out with all the golden coats standing out. My father was the largest of the group, standing above the wolves and then my mother. My sisters were standing with them, both their tails wagging with excitement.

Emily ran outside and turned to me. I smile and take her hand in mine. We walk I to the woods, the wolves following us. Soon there was a huge clearing filled with wild flowers. I took Emily to the middle and we both sat down together.
"Okay sweetie now you have to follow my directions okay?" She nodded her head quickly.

I look at the wolves surrounding us and my eyes lame on Selene. She gives a little nod and I start the ceremony. I stand to my feet and Emily stays sitting, her eyes following my every move. I let my claws extent and I gently prick one of my fingers, letting the blood drip down my hand.
"Close your eyes." I say to Emily. She squeezes them shut tightly. I take my finger and bend down, drawing little patterns into her forbear and cheeks with my blood. Once done I shift.

Emily keeps her eyes closed and her hands in her lap. I can feel my bones start to slide into their new places and fur start to sprout everywhere on my body. My hands and feet extend into paws and my face stretch into a muzzle.

And soon I stood proud and fall, white fur covering my wolf body. I throw my head back and I howl. But this was different this was the how of the calling, and soon the others joined me. We were calling to Emily's wolf. Soon we had an answer. Emily lay on her side, her eyes still closed and her body trembling. She wasn't in pain but she wasn't all that conscious either. Her wolf was coming forth and she her body was preparing itself.

It happened then. The fur sprouted from her skin and her body reconstructed itself. A small black and white wolf lay before us. With a yip she sprang up and started to look herself over. I started to chuckle when she chased her tail. All of the wolves walked over and started to sniff her and check her over. Selene walked over to me after and licked my muzzle.

We let Emily get a grip on walking on her new laws before we set off. I felt so free as I ran with my family. I never knew how much I actually missed it. We chased butterflies like children just because we could.

Hours later we lay in a field resting. Clare was playing by a little stream with Emily and Lisa, as I lay beside Selene. Everything thing was perfect, like a scene out of a movie. Until they showed up.

The gunfire started out of nowhere. The sound of bullets flying filled the air. I leaped up and ran to Emily. I grabbed her by the scruff and ran in the opposite direction, my sister Lisa following.

More shots rang out and then a howl. My father was calling for help from the rest of the pack. That's when I heard it, right after a shot was a bowl of pain. And I knew in my heart it was Selene. I stopped and handed Emily to Lisa.

You take her and you protect her!

Lisa gives a nod and takes a whimpering Emily from me and runs as fast as she can toward safety. I run back to the once peaceful field that has turned into a battle field. On my arrival I see that more wolves have shown up.

My eyes search the field for Selene. And when I see her my heart drops. She is fighting a hunter, her front leg terribly wounded. I surge across the field and to her side. I kill the hunter by ripping out his neck and then turn my attention to Selene/

Where is Emily?

Lisa has her but we have to go! You're hurt and we have to make sure they are safe.

Selene nods and we take off. Hunter bodies lay scattered across the field, blood covering the green grass. I think they thought it would be better to surprise attack us but they obviously didn't count on how strong the the instinct to protect lay in us wolves.

Soon there were no more gunshots. That left Selene and I searching for Lisa and Emily. We follows their trail to the house. We arrived and the scent I caught made a growl rumble through out my whole being. I quickly shifted back into my human form and so did Selene. She knew the scent too. I ran to the house and pushed the door open. Dead hunters lay on the floor. The house was completely torn upside down. I followed the blood trail which lead me into the room Selene and I had slept in.

I terrible scream ripped from my throat. Lisa lay on the floor, her guts ripped out and her heart laying beside her. Emily was under the bed, her little form cowering, her paws over her eyes.

A small piece of paper lay on the table. I grab it and open it, a small message was written on the inside.

This is war.


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