Chapter 11-Percy/Luke/Jason

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At first I couldn't believe Luke was back; he looked so different. But he was back and he helped save Leo, so I should trust him. Right? I don't know why but I just can't help but think that he's up to something. Maybe it's just the fact that he helped Kronos before, but there's just something not right about him being here. And he's been spending a lot of time with Leo. I trust Leo not to do anything with Luke, but as I've stated, I don't trust Luke.

We just got off the train and were now in Nebraska. Me and the rest of the seven were sent on the quest to stop the god of darkness, Erebus, from taking over Olympus. We were in Nebraska because that was where the most monster related symptoms have been. I looked around. Nebraska was nice, and there was a lot of open space.

"Okay this place is huge. How are we gonna find anything?" I looked from each of the seven to the next then Luke, waiting for an idea. I was honestly surprised when Luke was the one who offered an idea. "Maybe we could split up? Four groups of two." I thought about it. It was a pretty good plan, and eight demigods searching in one place would attract every monster within miles. I nodded. "Yeah, that's a good plan. Hazel, Frank you guys can be a group. Piper and Annabeth, you can be another group. Luke, you and-"

"I can be in a group with Leo. And you can go with Jason." Luke interrupted. As much as I wanted to be in a group with Leo so we could be alone, I didn't want Jason to think I didn't like him or anything so I nodded reluctantly. "Okay. But if you come back here and Leo is hurt in any way, you better run as fast as you can and don't stop. Because you aren't gonna want me to catch you. Understand?" Luke nodded and we all separated, Leo and Luke going north, Jason and I west, Hazel and Frank south, and Piper and Annabeth east. We planned to meet back in the same spot in about an hour.


Percy is a nuisance. There I said it. He's the only thing keeping Leo from joining Erebus, even if Leo doesn't know what "cause" he's joining or who runs it. Leo is open minded to join but won't leave without Percy, and Percy is the one person that is specifically NOT supposed to join. So I had to come up with a plan to get Leo and Percy apart and get Percy to hate Leo so Leo will want to leave. The problem is the fact that Percy loves him. But he trusts him too.

Since Percy and Leo are dating, I decided to break their trust by making a move on Leo. After going north for a while I turned to go west, Leo following. "Luke, are you sure we're still going north? I mean we did turn..." I looked around and saw Percy and Jason looking around a building. I walked towards the building and stayed in the back, Leo trailing behind. Percy began coming around the side of the building, so I turned and pulled Leo towards me.

Our lips connected and Leo immediately pulled away. He stared at something behind me. "Percy...." I turned and saw a furious Percy standing there, but not glaring at me. Instead, he was glaring at Leo. "Leo. I can't believe you would do this. I trusted you. I loved you! And you went and did this!" Leo looked about ready to burst into tears, but Percy's expression didn't soften.

Jason came around the side of the building just as Leo started talking. "Percy, it-it wasn't me!" Percy just rolled his eyes. "You know what Leo, forget it. And forget about us. I hate you." And with that Percy turned. Jason stood there completely shocked and confused about what was going on.

I turned and looked at Leo. "Hard break man. Hey, what do you say we go and get you signed up for that cause." Leo looked at me with a newfound hate, which was surprising since he was normally cheerful and laid-back. "Forget about that stupid cause! This is your fault!" He turned and stormed off into the woods. Jason glared at me then ran after Leo. So this plan failed. I felt kind of bad, and I failed anyways, so I figured I'd at least fix the relationship I just tore apart.


All I knew was Percy was angry at Leo and it was because of something Luke did. When Leo ran off, he looked about ready to have an emotional breakdown. Just to make sure he didn't do anything stupid, which I don't think he'd do but just in case, I ran after him. When I finally found him, he was sitting against a tree with his knees brought up to his chest and his head resting on his knees.

As I got closer I realized he was crying. I inched closer and stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Percy standing there. He looked over at Leo then back at me. I understood that he wanted to talk to him, so I gave him a look that said "Hurt him any more than he already is and I'll hurt you" and nodded. I walked away just as Percy began going towards Leo.


After Jason left, I started towards Leo. If shattered my heart when I realized he was crying. It hurt even more to know that it was because of me. Luke had told me that he was the one who made a move on Leo then got a bus to New York. I reached Leo and sat next to him. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and he tensed up.

"Relax Leo. It's only me." Instead of calming down like he normally would when I would say that, he tensed up more. "Wh-what do you want?" As much as he tried to hide it, his voice sounded blank. Emotionless. Empty. Broken. And it was my fault. "Leo I want to apologize. Luke told me what actually happened. I'm so sorry I yelled at you." I pulled him into a hug.

He buried his face on my shoulder and I could feel his tears flowing out. "Did you mean all those things you said Percy?" I moved so I was in front of him with one leg on each side of him and kissed his forehead. "I didn't mean any of it. I love you so so so much. I never wanna lose you Leo." Leo smiled and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. "I love you too Percy."

Published: October 31, 2015

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