"We will."

Josh squeezed Thea's hand gently before leaving. Thea wanted to cling to him and tell him to stay. Instead, feeling like a zombie, Thea let Matt and Sharon lead her outside and help her into their car.

Unaware of her surroundings, Thea didn't see the dark haired man watching her from the tree line, fading away with the wind as Matt and Sharon drove off.

* * * *

The bar was quiet, the most reserved Thea had ever seen it.

She knew it was a wake but it still felt strange to her. She was used to loud, boisterous men drinking and calling to her from across the bar for another beer.

Unconsciously, she started picking up empty cups before Sharon stopped her. "You're not working today dear." Her voice was gentle.

Thea sat the empties back on the table. "Sorry, I guess it's just a habit."

"It's alright, just sit down and rest. Have you eaten anything today, you're looking quite pale?"

"No, I'm not hungry".

"I'll bring you some sandwiches, you might find you feel a bit hungry."

Thea smiled as Sharon bustled off. She'd always been good to Thea and Shae. Sharon could never have children and so she often treated the girls as her own.

The bar was slowly filling up with mourners. Thea recognised some of Shae's family and friends she'd met when Shae dragged her to parties. There was no one there she really knew though. Thea didn't have many friends. She'd always been reserved, preferring solitude after working long hours in a bar full of people.

A photo of Shae sat atop the bar, smiling and eyes shining bright. Thea felt her eyes begin to sting and quietly slipped into the kitchen before she started crying.

Leaning against the preparation table she closed her eyes, breathing deep. Thea wished she had someone to hold her and tell her everything was going to be alright. More than anything she wished it was Josh's arms.

Tilting her head skyward, Thea felt dizzy. She knew she had to eat something but she wasn't in the mood. She felt thirsty though and wondered if it would be enough. Thea felt something wet hit her cheek and she opened her eyes.

She jumped as the sink tap in front of her started running, water spraying from the basin. Thea rushed to turn it off, twisting the knob and felt her insides turn cold.

It was already off.

Water burst from the hand basin at the side of the room and Thea began to panic.

"Stop it! Turn off!" she cried.

Thea started hyperventilating as the fire sprinklers burst open and she was showered with water. Voices sounded from the bar as people panicked, shouting fire.

"Stop it," Thea whispered repeatedly, closing her eyes. She didn't know how but she knew it was her. Somehow she was doing this and she didn't know how to make it stop.


She opened her eyes. Hermes stood in front of her, eyes serious as water poured down his face.

"Calm down. You need to be calm or it won't stop."

"I don't think I can -" she gasped.

Hermes stepped closer, wrapping an arm around her waist and placing her hand on his chest. "Match my breathing," he instructed.

Thea looked at the tap again but Hermes grabbed her chin and turned her back to him. "No, Thea. Don't look anywhere but at me. Now breathe, in and out."

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