Chapter 12

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Jane pov...

I get on the plane going back to Boston I can't wait to see everyone. I should get there tonight just after everyone would have finished work, it will be a surprise to them that I am coming back today. I sit down in my seat towards the middle of the plane. I see Katie working on this flight she comes over to me and says "it's nice to see you Jane"
I smile and say "you too"
She sees my stomach and says "you must be far along now"
I nod and say "yeah I'm about 7 months now"
She walks away as she has to get back to work. I fall asleep and sleep for the whole flight.
When I get of the plane I get a water and a muffin and sit down and one of the tables. Katie walks over and we talk for a while again about how I am moving back home now and want to be with Maura. She talks about how she was last minute put working on the flight and about her daughter. She gives me some advice on what to do with Maura and some key tips on trying to raise a baby.
It was good to see her and we say that we should catch up again as we have already formed a friendship just by meeting a few times.
I look at the time and say "I'm sorry but I have to go now"
She understands and we say bye to each other and then go our different ways.

I catch a taxi to Maura's house. I get my bag and I go up to her door and knock she opens it and her faces is full of surprise she hugs me and says "it's so good to see you"
I smile and say "I missed you"
She says "me too"
We go inside and head to the couch. We start talking about more of what was going on here and I say some parts of the case as some is still a secret. She asks about the baby and I say "it's fine I have had a few scans but I wanted you to be there when I find out the gender"
She says "I would love to"
I say "we can book a scan in the morning"
She nods and asks "are you coming back to work?"
I say "after the baby is born as if I tried to go back I'm sure I would be told that I need to be on maternity leave"

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