Sing a Hallelujah

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Archer was very concerned. Harry hadn't woken up for a long while, and nothing he said or did helped her to. He also hadn't heard back from Giovanni, despite trying to call him a few times since his last call. He was anxious to know about what was going on over there.

Once again, he called Giovanni's phone and finally got an answer.

"Archer, is this you?"

Sighing in relief, Archer spoke formally into the phone. "Yes, sir. It's me. I've been trying to call you. What's been going on?"

He could almost hear the smirk in Giovanni's voice. "Just cleaning up the mess. I had decided that, rather than just leave things be with the Wizarding World, that I would...speed up the recovery bit a little."

"Why would you do that?" Archer furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well...let's just say that Team Rocket is a terrifying yet godly fixture with them at the moment, Rufus Fudge has become somewhat of a savior and inching towards being the replacement Minister of Magic -of whom I'd disposed of too -and people have learned what has happened to Harry and why they were all attacked. Having the reason drilled into their heads, as well as some Rockets walking around to remind them has certainly helped to make them learn their lesson."

"How have the agents not been attacked with magic yet? I doubt that they would be able to rule over the wizards with fear so easily," Archer noted in concern.

"Aside from a lot of new Rocket members being recruited from this side being wizards and witches, as well as old agents back in the base having actually secretly been magical as well, a group of them had been working on creating an amulet for the rest to wear that would protect them from most basic spells. It's unknown and kept under wraps, so it can't be replicated or found out. You'll be able to see once you get here."

Impressed and a little taken aback by the practical hostile takeover of the Wizarding World in Britain, Archer thought it most fitting in the end. After all, after destroying a world, it's only right to rebuild it in one's image. Perhaps Right of Conquest and all.

And, well, it was actually more or less leaning towards Harry's image, if he were to be honest. This was all for her.

"That's fantastic news, Giovanni," Archer murmured softly. "I...have rather bad news in comparison. Harry still has not woken up. She looks pale, but not sick. I don't know what to do or what's wrong. I've been trying to contact you to get a car out here to bring us back to the estate..."

The silence from Giovanni was deafening, and Archer tensed up and worried about what was happening on the other end.

"...I see," Giovanni finally said tersely. "Keep watch over her, Archer. I will send a car out to your location immediately."

After giving the location, they hung up and Archer hurried back to where Harry was, waiting in tense anticipation. When the car finally came, he should have known that Giovanni would come himself. But instead of leaving straight after Giovanni arrived, he'd parked the car and had followed Archer back into the building, which was actually an old Bed and Breakfast back in the days. Archer didn't stall and led Giovanni to Harry, where she was 'sleeping' peacefully.

"Any changes since we talked?" his boss focused on Harry, face briefly becoming obviously pained at the sight of her like this, though it was quickly schooled into a more stoic look.

"No, sir," Archer answered truthfully.

"How long has she been like this?"

Archer looked through his memories. "Since after we escaped from the Ministry and she flew all the way here and then passed out."

Il Silenzio Delle Stelle Cadenti [Harry PotterxPokemon Crossover Fanfic, 2015 PKMNWatties]Where stories live. Discover now