Beyond the Veil

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Harry watched herself in the mirror, regarding at how she looked in awe. Even if it had been simple, it had been her wedding. She couldn't believe she was really married now. She couldn't even believe how she looked. She didn't think she'd ever looked this beautiful.

Slowly, she began unraveling her hair, taking out the decorative flowers she'd managed to weave into her hair. She glanced back at Giovanni through the mirror, who had been watching her from his -their -bed. She raised an eyebrow and held up one of the flowers. He chuckled and walked towards her, plucking the flower from her hand.

"Would you like some help, mia stella?" he asked, his voice rolling over her like velvet.

She smiled widely at him, and she sat up and waited patiently as Giovanni's deft fingers expertly unwound her hair and removed pieces of flowers. Her hair fell around her, and Giovanni moved onto her wedding dress. Her breath hitched as his fingers went to the back of her dress and found the zipper, zipping downwards and opening it. As it reached the bottom, Giovanni leaned down from behind her and kissed her ear softly. His lips trailed down her cheek as his hands went to her shoulders, and he had started to kiss her neck when he spoke again.

"Harry, we don't have to do this tonight," he surprised her by saying. "I am yours. And I can be patient."

Relieved, she relaxed and all the tension seemed to flee from her, though she hadn't even noticed she'd tensed up. Looking into the mirror and looking at him, while he stared at her with darkened eyes, she reached up with one hand and elegantly placed her hand against the side of his head. She pushed him toward her and turned her own head slightly, leaning her head back a little as she kissed him.

If the world burned, she had a feeling it would not be because of herself and her phoenix form.

It would be at the hands of Giovanni, and it would be all because of her.


"Okay, Ash, not that I'm not happy about you succeeding and all this," Ariana started out. "But I can't believe you! You don't go hugging Legendaries and getting into their personal spaces and-and-and -and especially not Arceus!"

Ash stared blankly at her aunt, though her own Pikachu was giving her the 'I told you so' look. "What? Why not? I do it all the time. This isn't anything unusual for me." She turned to Cyrus, hoping he'd say or do something to help her out for once, but he was only staring at her blankly. She knocked lightly on his head. "Hello? Did I break you?"

He caught her wrist, though he glanced back at the large, waiting Legendary some ways away from them. He cleared his throat awkwardly, ignoring how Ash's Pikachu was visibly snickering at the situation.

"It is a rather amazing feat to see, for at least your aunt and I, of whom aren't as used to seeing Legendaries or being so friendly and affectionate with them."

Ash scrunched up her nose, but nodded in sort of understanding.

"So, I'm going to go with Arceus," her aunt flinched at that, "and I'll go get this Sirius Black guy."

"I would like to accompany you," Cyrus surprisingly interjected.

Though caught off guard, Ash nodded hesitantly. She hugged her wary aunt and handed her Pikachu (hopefully he'd help calm down and reassure her aunt, but Ash doubted it), and then grabbed Cyrus' hand, leading him back towards the Legendary of all Legendaries.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked him before they reached Arceus.

"I should be asking you that," he replied to her sarcastically.

Il Silenzio Delle Stelle Cadenti [Harry PotterxPokemon Crossover Fanfic, 2015 PKMNWatties]Where stories live. Discover now