Chapter 5

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"Where is Shion?"

"You'll see him soon, first let's talk"

"No way,I want to see him first" I said talking out my pocket knife

"Fine, Nao please bring him"

Nao came a few seconds later with Shion, she threw him on the ground and hit him on the head.

"There you go" said Nao with a vicious smile

"You bitch I'm going to kill you" I yelled running towards her, I pulled her against me and I put the knife against her throat.

"Let her go Nezumi dear, you won't gain anything by killing her"

I hit Nao and pushed her towards my mother.

"Guards, take him"

Two guards took me by my arms and put me down on my knees.


"Nao please let me go"

"Let's play a game, if you answer correctly I'll let you go, if you don't I'll punish you, okay let's go, who is Nezumi to you?"

"He is my boyfriend, my soulmate and I love him"

"Wrong answer" said Nao hitting me in the head with a bat

"I'll ask again, who is Nezumi to you?"

"He is my boyfriend,my soulmate and I love him..."

"wrong again, I'll keep hitting you untill you'll say that he was nothing to you, I'll ask again" she said hitting me harder on the head

"I'll never do that,I don't care if it ends up killing me, and even if you kill me my love for Nezumi will never die..."

Nao looked at me with hatred.

"I said again,who is Nezumi to you?"

"He is my boyfriend,my soulmate and I love him"

"Again" and she hit me harder

"Again" and harder "I said again" "and again" "still wrong,again" "AGAIN" .... This went on for like 20 times more until I lost count, things started to get blurry and dark I heard a voice that said "Nao please bring him" and then everything went black...


"Now we are going to talk" said my mother

"I have nothing to say to you, I already told you I won't do it, I won't be a part of your terrorist gang"

"But Nezumi dear I don't understand why not, No.6 hunted our people, look what they did to my face,I almost died, your father and all our family,our friends have died, don't tell me you don't want revenge?"

"I used to want it,I wanted to destroy No.6 as much as you do,but after the Elyurias incident I don't want revenge anymore,I still don't love No.6 but the people are changing,their minds are changing and whether I like it there or not it's my home now,because of Shion, Shion is my home and he is more important than any revenge, than anything."

"You only want to save No.6 because your precious prince is from there."screamed Nao

"Nao please calm down, I'm sure Nezumi will come to his senses"

"I will never do anything you say"

"I am your mother and you'll do as I say, you'll join my group and marry Nao, and when I'll die you'll take over"

"You are not my mother, the woman I once new as my mother died in that fire all those years ago along with with all my people, the person you became is not my mother,you mean nothing to me."

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