Chapter 8

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We were on our way to my mom's house, I wondered if he would open up when my mom would ask him why he had been working so much lately? No, it's unlikely if he didn't even say a word to me he wouldn't talk about it to my mom...

"Oi Shion, have you been listening to what I just said?" Nezumi hisses at me

"No, sorry I was lost in my thoughts"

We pulled up in front of my old house and quickly got out of the car, we were already half and hour late. I rang the bell and my mom opened the door.

"Hey guys, come in" she said with a soft smile.

"Sorry for being late mom"

"It's fine honey, actually I was just finishing the food but I have trouble reaching some plates that are in a high shelve, do you mind helping me out Nezumi?"

"Sure Ma'am, no problem"

My mom turned around and gave me a wink, I guess that meant she would ask him now.

"How many times did I told you that you can call me Karan?" I heard her say with a soft laugh as she entered the kitchen with Nezumi.

A few minutes went on and they came back from the kitchen with the food. My mom gave me a wide smile, it seemed like he had told her after all. I guess he is not breaking up with me otherwise my mom wouldn't be so happy. We ate the food that my mom had made for us, as always it was very good. At 5h o clock said he had something to do and that he would go ahead to the apartment and that if I could wait until he calls me to go back. I used that time to ask my mom what was that she had learned about my boyfriend.

"So mom, what did Nezumi tell you?"

"I can't tell you honey but I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about"

"What? Why can't you tell me?"

"Because it's Nezumi's job to tell you" she said with a smile. At the same moment my phone rang before I could ask more. It was Nezumi telling me that I was okay for me to come home now. My mom dropped me off.

I opened the door and to my surprise the floor was covered with rose petals, I didn't have to put the lights on because there where candles on the floor indicating me which way I had to go, I followed the path which lead to our bedroom where Nezumi was standing there, with flowers in his hands.

"Welcome Home, Shion" he said softly

I ran towards him and hugged him.

"Wow Nezumi you did all of this? I didn't know you were romantic, it's beautiful"

"I am not but for you I'd do anything" he said placing me a soft kiss on my lips before kneeling down in front of me.

"Nezumi wh-what are you doing?"

"Shion" he said talking my hand.

"Listen good to what I'm about to say because I won't repeat it twice" he stated.

"Shion, you are the love of my life, we've been through our ups and downs, we've been through so much and still here we are, together, I've never thought I would get so attached to you when we first met, hell I never I'd see you again, I've always lived alone and I've been fine with it, until I met you, you changed me Shion, at first I thought it was a bad thing because ever since I've known you I've felt the need to protect you at all costs and I thought at first that it had made me weaker but now I get that I'm stronger because of you. I thought I'd had lost you forever a month ago but here we are, together once again, Shion I love you more than life itself, would you please do me the honor of marrying me?" He said taking a small box from his pocket and opening it, he was blushing so much.

I was crying, in the small box were two rings, one for him and one for me. I threw myself on the floor and hugged him.

"Yes I will" I said crying harder. He kissed me and then he put the ring on my finger, I did the same with his.

"Nezumi, is that why you were working so hard? So you could pay for the rings?" I asked

"Yes, I'm sorry if I got you worried, I just couldn't tell you anything, I wanted it to be a surprise" he said soflty

"It's okay, it was a great surprise, I'm so happy" I said with a big smile.

"I'm happy too" he said before kissing me. We kissed for a long time before ending up in bed, that night we both made noises so loud that in the morning one of the neighbors came to complain.

~A month later~

Today was our big day, our wedding day. My mother was there, Rikiga was there, Inukashi was there, all of the people we loved where present on our special day. The happiest day of our lives.

"Shion, would you take Nezumi in holly matrimony, to love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, until death?" He priest asked.

"Yes of course" I answered.

"Nezumi would you take Shion in holly matrimony, to love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, until death?"


"With the power invested in me, I declare you Husbands, you can kiss each other now" said the priest

Nezumi leaned closer and kissed me. It wasn't a passionate kiss, that would be kept for later on our honeymoon, it was a simple kiss, soft and gentle.


"Shion, slow down, we are have all night to do this, plus we'll be here 3 weeks." Nezumi said to me as I rushed him into our hotel room. He closed the door and started kissing me.

"I know, I just can't wait to be with you now that I'm your husband" I said with a smile

"You were amazing" I said to Nezumi once we was off me.

"So were you" he said with a smirk

I felt myself slowly falling asleep.

"I love you Nezumi" I said hugging him

"I love you too Shion" I heard him say before I fell asleep.

~So, here is the last chapter, I hope you liked it, thank you all for reading my fanfiction~

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