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[ Hello, hello! Happy Halloween to y'all, and I felt like there should be a Halloween thing for Alois this year! I've never been active around holidays, but this year and next year I will attempt to make special chapters for each holiday that I know of. So first up: Halloween, enjoy!]

Trick or Treat - au

Dusk approached quickly on the night of Halloween, and the street lamps were on at 6:30 in the evening warming everything up in a blanket of yellow light, letting everything bask in the after glow of the night. A certain blond had been running around, door to door, for candy.

He was alone this year, but he didn't mind, not so much. He approached the last door on the block, finding the 'caution, do not cross' tape really cool and rang the door bell, finding that the door was opened with difficulty by a boy he has been waiting for the entire night.

"Ciel! Trick or treat!" Alois exclaimed, grinning as he held out his bag.

Ciel looked around, and disappeared for a few moments before coming back, with a small frown and his hands empty. The blond pouted and invited himself inside, where the scent of candy covered up everything else.

"What's wrong, Ciel?" He asked, dropping his candy basket as Ciel turned away from him. Alois knew that Ciel didn't like him, not that much, but why the cold shoulder now? "I don't blame you for not showing up."

They had arranged to trick or treat together a couple days ago, and Ciel had bailed last minute, leaving Alois waiting under their tree for half and hour, before going off trick or treating alone. Ciel trudged through the kitchen, and Alois noticed a note that had been stuck to the fridge.

We'll be back soon! -Mom & Dad

Alois followed Ciel up into his room, plopping down on his bed, and noticed that the scent of candy was stronger here. Maybe Ciel his all the candy in his room, who knows?

"They said they'd be home to take me for trick or treating." Alois turned his head to face Ciel, who spoke suddenly.


"Alois! They promised." He insisted, his eyes wide and pleading.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you weren't allowed!" Alois tried to make Ciel calm down, but the blue haired boy was pissed.

"You should've seen them, they were all smiling, telling me that they'll do it." He sounded bitter now.


The scent of sweets was overpowering now, almost sickly so, and Alois backed up, right into the wall and heard something clatter behind him.

Ciel looked over at the blond, with a small smile on his features. "Alois." He said simply. "Turn around."

The blond didn't want to. This wasn't like Ciel. It wasn't!

But the curiousity was getting to him, and he couldn't bear it, so he did turn around, and saw that the vent behind him was loose.

"Ciel?" He questions before looking back, but seeing no one there. His fingers pulled out the screws on the corners of the metal vent and pulled it off, the sickening smell coming from there now.

Just when he was about to turn around, he hears the sound again, the clattering and decided to kick the wall to see if it would make any difference. Something dropped. From the vent.

Alois had closed his eyes to make sure nothing fell into them, but when he opened his eyes, the first thing he did was wonder what was it. The thing had tumbled out and was in front of Alois now.

Was it Ciel in the vents? How did he get there?

"Ciel?" He asked again, reaching out to turn Ciel around.

The first thing he saw was the eyes, milky white as if a film covered those gorgeous blue orbs. His skin was pale too, paler than normal and cold to the touch. Ciel had no heartbeat, nor warmth in his body at all.

Alois took that in to consideration and hugged Ciel, rocking him against his tiny frame. The scent was coming from Ciel, but it wasn't sweet anymore. It smelt like something rotting. His brain slowly pieced together the things he knew, and formed an answer even he could understand.

Stroking Ciel's blue bangs, Alois whispered against Ciel's cheek:

"I get it; Ciel, you're dead."

[okay, well, I planned for that to be a little bit more scary, but, hey, I tried. I truly am not one for horror fics. ^^ Have a safe Halloween, guys.]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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