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     NOW, if Carter James had learnt anything from his 17 years, he knew that bad luck ran in the family. At first around 4, he always bumped into tables and walls, constantly having bruises decorate his body, age 6, it seemed venomous animals loved to get in his way, age 8 Halloween he was trick or treating and nearly got run over....twice. But the coincidences as his parents liked to call it, became a mystery, when they were killed. Now to this day, Carter had always suspected it to be his uncle Olaf to have murdered his parents, but their was no evidence to support his accusation.


Because he'd been swept up with the supernatural without even knowing.


    CARTER was patrolling the streets at dusk, whistling a merry tune with a wide-grin on his face. The blondes hazel-eyes sparkled with amusement and posture screamed lazy. Carter had had a pretty bad day. First; the crazy cat lady from down the road had responded to a happy hello not so happily. After four bandaids he'd managed to cover his scratches. Then two crows had assumed he was attempting to steal their eggs and swooped him, it took a couple of minutes hiding out in a dumpster for them to go away, but they did eventually. And last but not least a bucket had fell from a balcony landing on his foot.

Limping whilst whistling his merry tune he grinned widely upon seeing his goal.
Destination; permanent vacation. The shop was legitimately called permanent vacation. No not a crappy place where every step you take a creepy salesman smiles at you and shoves a brochure in your hands, no, it was a music shop.

Carter loved all things pop-punk. He'd had his own band until he knocked over the speaker system, broke a guitar and the other boys had politely excused themselves for a drink. They never did come back. But Carter didn't mind, he had his family, key-word, had.

And now the hyperactive, sickeningly optimistic klutz was touring America in hopes of finding a home.

"Stop! Please!"

Carter stopped his journey, frowning, it sounded like someone needed help.

Real help Carter, not someone who trips over air.

But his subconscious didn't give him any other ideas, so the boy jogged in the direction of the screams.

He warily poked his was in to see a group of five bulky figures beating two bruise-covered scrawny boys.

And being the idiot he is Carter announced his thoughts to the world "Quit it you steroid-users!"

The bullies heads snapped towards a now cowering hazel-eyed boy.

"Uh, please?"

And they had the nerve to laugh.

"What are you gonna do about it kid?" The even larger, scarier and may he mention huger ,if that's even possible, gang leader smirked, dropping the taller, now Carter could see, twin to the ground.

"Uh-I uh. I'll call the police!"

Once again the group burst into laughter.

Now forgotten the twins gave each other un-easy looks, now was the time to act.

Carter had no idea what to do, but the looks the twins gave him made the boy think he was screwed if he did something wrong.

Carter stepped backwards and his curse of no balance acted when he fell into a nearby trash can.

He went butt-first as his legs folded in. His eyes widened and the group came closer, he tipped the can over and quickly scrambled back up only to smash into a wall.

"This day sucks!"

He cursed, holding his now bleeding nose. "How many times do you mess up?" The steroid user snapped, "at first it was amusing but now it's just annoying".

"Maybe after we turn you Aiden and Ethan may not be the bitches no more".

He gave the petrified James a snide smile, well it could hardly be called a smile, not with black decaying teeth and the face of a deformed bush rat.

"Before i die". Carter held up a finger. "May I say something else".

The man huffed and nodded, not keeping in an eye-rolling.

"Has the word hygiene ever come to mind?"

The mans eyes flashed a crimson red and he slammed the boys head against the brick wall.

"What did you just say".

Carter smirked, coughing up his insides.

"Hygiene-you needa learn what I-it is..."

And before the alpha could rip the teens head off, someone ripped off his.

Carter was doe-eyed, blood dribbling down his chin.

Behind the now collapsed headless body of ugly in capacity stood a smaller twin with now bright red eyes.

"Hey". Carter beamed flashing pearly white teeth.

"Please don't die" the other boy whimpered.

Carter furrowed his brows managing a shy smile, "what do you mean?"

And the boys mouth enlarged showcasing a row of razor sharp teeth.


And Carter's body
slumped to the ground.

So first chapters up....YAAYY just a hint Carter's a bit dumb and the reason as to why, you'll find out soon enough, but each if you enjoyed it vote and comment, oh god I'm one of those authors...yeah I am deal with it. But we hate them. Shut up subconscious! This is the result of typing when sleep1deprived and in the midst of a fangirl attack over Ashton mutherfluxking irwin.

a series of unfortunate events::teen wolf::l.mWhere stories live. Discover now