Mackenzie's Day Of Love: Part 2

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Asia. Oh my god, Asia. Where do I start? Asia is too hot to handle! I was sad when my solo didn't beat hers but Abby told me afterwards that when judges are presented with a cute solo and a sassy one, they'll usually pick the sassy solo to win. Asia is the best dancer her age I know, she's so talented it's crazy!
I love Asia so much, she has so much spirit and spice and energy.
I think Abby set us up to be rivals but now you could call us best friends. She's done a lot for me and I've tried my best to do enough for her in return. I love my AsiaBoo <3

Brynn, is one of the sweetest girls I've ever met in my life! She's part of my mini squad, with Brooke, Selah and Kylie, and I love her so incredibly much! She's an amazing dancer, if you haven't seen her dance you have to look up Brynn Rumfallo on YouTube. I love you Brynn, always!
Mackenzie xx

Gia! I owe so much to Gia, everyone who's ever been on my team does. My choreographer, who has taught me so much over the years, and my friend. Gianna is an amazing mentor and friend, whenever you have a problem she's always there, willing to talk to you about whatever it is. I think I would have given up on a lot a long time ago if I didn't have Gia teaching me. Not only is she a good teacher, she's a kind one. She really understands us. Out of everything I'm grateful to have, Gia is high on the list. Thanks for everything, Gia!

Holly is the calmest and the nicest of all the moms, in the middle of all the crazy she's the one who stays rational and keeps her head, and we don't all realize it but we really need that, and we all know we need Holly around. She's like a second mom to all of us and she's an amazing mom to Nia. She's kind and compassionate, she'll show you sympathy when no one else will. I'm so thankful to know you, Holly :)

Jill is, I have to say it, a cool mom! Have you seen her do a cartwheel? She's really really funny as well, the things she says are genius and when she dances it's just hilarious! Kendall is funny too so we can see where she gets it from! I think Jill is the coolest of the moms and I've known her a long time so I would know. She's just great, and all she wants is what's best for Kendall, she's a great mom as well. Everyone should have a Jill in their life because she knows how to make things better and lighten the mood.

About Jess I almost don't know what to say. I haven't known her that long but in the time I have known her I can say the same for her as I did for Jill, she wants what's best for JoJo and she knows JoJo can be a star. Jess is also a cool mom, she takes selfies and does peace signs and wears cool stuff, she is cool.

Christi was just amazing. She was always so nice to me, she comforted me when my own mom wouldn't do it, and she told me I could just be myself because I was just as good as Maddie, which is still what I remember whenever I doubt myself for whatever reason. She did have a temper sometimes but she was sweet and caring and she was definitely the funniest mom we've had on the show.

Kira is so sweet and nice. It scares me sometimes when she starts shouting because she can be really loud but it's usually if someone said something bad about Kalani, but Kira's really become a part of our family and we all love her so much. She's a caring woman and she loves her family.

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