1- Holding Hands

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Nagisa was walking around his campus before slumping against his school building,
"It's getting closer..." Nagisa mutters to himself looking at his hands. Closer to what you may ask? Closer to their deadline... Their deadline to kill their teacher... Their unkillable teacher: Koro-sensei
Nagisa didn't realise he was crying till he felt them being wiped away he looked up surprised "Karma-kun?" He says surprised "it'll be ok, Nagisa-kun..." Karma's hand drops from Nagisa's face, engulfing his tiny hands in his bigger ones.
Nagisa adjusts their hands so their fingers are intertwined, they slowly lean up till their lips are brushing only to hear the sharp shrill of a whistle "No PDA!!" They hear their one and only target Koro-sensei yell.
They freeze where they are hearing the clicks of cameras and giggles from their female classmates.
Nagisa pulls away flustered, while Karma turns to them sadistically about to have a go at them, only to feel small, soft delicate hands hold his again calming him...
"I love you, Nagisa-kun"
"I love you too, Karma-kun"

KarNag/Carnage or Karmagisa 30 day pro challengeWhere stories live. Discover now