Chapter Eight - Against All Odds

Start from the beginning


"Hey honey. It's Dad. How are you doing?"

I looked over at Alice and smiled. "I'm okay, all things considered."

"Tracey called and said you have Alice."


"Is that wise?"

I frowned and looked over at her, she was busy coloring in. "Yes. She is a beautiful spirit and seeing her was exactly what was needed. Why?"

"After what happened... you need time to grieve."

I could feel the anger beginning to rise in my chest. He really had given up hope and he wanted me to give up too. I walked into my bedroom and closed the door. "I don't need to grieve. He is out there. He is alive and I will find him."

"Honey you're in..."

"No. Don't even say it. I have to go."

I pressed call end and shoved my phone in my pocket. I couldn't dwell on his assumptions, I couldn't let them smother me. I walked back out over to the table. Alice pushed her picture over to me and began to point out everyone. Finally she pointed to the last little stick figure. "This is Jackson. See he has a map."

My eyes filled with tears involuntarily I smiled and nodded. "That's a beautiful picture. We should keep it on the fridge so when he is found we can give it to him?"

Alice nodded and stood up, she walked into the kitchen and placed it as high as she could on the silver door of the fridge. After dinner I bathed her, she splashed bubbles in my face and giggled like only she could. She was innocent and I wanted to protect her from any and all things that could one day corrupt her.

Once she was dressed I tucked her in to my bed. The photo I had smashed was now sitting back on the nightstand, sans frame. Alice grinned up at me and tugged on my shirt. "Amber, you said you and Dan would sing me to sleep."

"Did I?" I smiled. "I thought that was you."

Alice let out a little giggle, but I could tell from the brightness in her eyes she wasn't going to go to sleep anytime soon without a song. I called Daniel in, and surprisingly he had Jackson's spare guitar. I frowned and pointed at it. "What do you plan on doing with that? Using it as a drum?"

He shrugged and placed his fingers in formation on the neck over the strings. He picked the strings and played a melody. "I can play. I just, I didn't think I'd ever hold a candle to Jackson so I didn't bother."

I was surprised by Daniel's insecurity, although I knew I shouldn't. I smiled and looked back down at Alice whose bright eyes were already beginning to get sleepy.

"What song does the princess want?"

"The one Jackson sings me." She murmured. "About not being alone."

I bit my lip and nodded, unsurprised by her choice. I just wasn't sure I'd get through it without cracking. I looked at Daniel and gave him a shaky smile. "She wants Not Alone."

He nodded and began to pick the music to the acoustic version. I knew the words, but once Daniel started singing I knew my contribution would only dampen his superior vocals. His voice was deeper than Jacksons, raspier too, but he was amazing. When he finished I forced myself to look back at Alice, who was fast asleep.

Daniel stood up and walked out, I followed him and closed the door behind me. Shocked and confused I pointed at the guitar ad shrugged. "Explain?"

"Look at the family I grew up in Amber. Music is part of my life."

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