Chapter 2: A New Beggining

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I would like to say, that this chapter is probably gonna be a bit longer than others. Then again, I'm not sure how long this is going to be. I would really appreciate it if whoever sees this shows their support and give me feed back so I know how to improve it, or keep it the way it is. Thank you again for reading this and whoever reads this is amazing.
Lots of love xoxoxo,


"My name is Matthew Patrick, I live in Los Angeles, California, and I'm twenty-six years old." I said to my best friend since third grade.

"Great. Now you'll need to keep this identity or else they'll find you again and arrest you for something you didn't do." He said

"Thanks John. You're a real help." I told him.

"No problem. Oh, and two things." He said. "One, here is an id for you, to show anyone who might need to see it. You are no longer Jacob Thrush. You are Matthew Patrick."

He gave me an id card which I put inside my leather wallet.

"And the second thing?" I asked

"Oh right." He said. "Well, I know you're gonna head out on the town for the night. There's someone you need to watch out for. He calls himself 'The Puppet.'

"Well why should I watch out for him?" I asked

*Flashback to 'The Event...'*

This man found himself on the ground all of a sudden and his girlfriend lying next to him, dead.

He chased after the man and was shot five times before blacking out.

He found himself in a hospital about two weeks later...

"Ugh, my chest. And my shoulder." Said Nate.

"Well that's what happens when you get shot several times." Said a voice next to him.

"Andy. You're here." Said Nate.

"Of course I am." Andy said. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. Not thinking straight." Nate said this truthfully. He was thinking of Angel. Angel. She was actually gone.

"Is there anything I can bring you?" Andy asked.

"If you could bring my gameboy, some games, and my guitar, I would be really happy." I said.

"Alrighty. I'll be back in a bit." He said, then left the room.

Then something happened. His lungs contracted and wouldn't expand. He almost died. Luckily, though, the doctors and nurses were able to help him heal as much as he could.

But many suspect that something went wrong that day. That something paranormal happened. But those people are mostly crazy.

*Back to present day...*

"Man. I feel sorry for him. But just in case, what does he look like?" I asked.
"He usually wears all black with a long black trench coat."

"OK. Thanks man, I'll watch out for him." I said. "One last question."

"What is it?" John asked.

"Who shot this man?" But I knda already knew the answer.

"It was your father, Alex Thrush." John said uneaisly. He knew I never liked my family. I hated them in fact.

"Thought so." I said quietly. "Well, I'm heading out."

"Alright, see you tonight." John said. Then he disappeared into his room in our little apartment.

I grabbed my coat and walked out the door.


I had left at nine o'clock and it was almost eleven now.

I had walked around my neighborhood to get my bearings. I then headed to a bar and had a couple drinks. I even sang a song.

I walked up to the bar and sat down. I ordered a beer. Then a man sat down next to me and ordered a beer too.

At first I panicked. Was this 'The Puppet?' No immposible. He doesn't look anything like John described.

He was wearing a mild color of green and a nice shade of blue. He was full of life. He couldn't be the guy John was talking about, but I was still cautious.

We sat there awkwardly for a few moments until he held out his hand.

"The name's Nate." He said giving me a smile. I took his hand and shook it.

"Matthew, but you can call me Matt." I said.

"Well Matt, I heard you singing earlier and you have a wonderful voice." He said. "Would you like to sing with me?"

"Sure, why not?" I said. I took one last swig of my drink and we headed to the stage.

We sang our song and I started feeling woozy. Nate's voice was amazing.

We finished and I heard Nate say, "Let me buy you a few more drinks."

I nodded my head absentmindedly. We walked over to the bar and I blacked out.

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