We stepped outside in the open behind the house. The morning's sun shone down on us warming our skin and beckoning to the wolves inside us; teasing us with the promise of a beautiful day to run. I pushed back Xerxes and reminded him what was at stake. With a deep breath I focused on the earth around Eva's feet and then on the more than peculiar bond that we shared. I looked up at her for a second, silently asking her if she was ready before sending her to Reynolds's territory.

The sand swirled around her, swallowing her up in a great sandstorm before it left just as quickly as it came. We would wait out her for her until she called me to bring her back. There was no reason to go anywhere else and we didn't want to relax until we knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was alright.

"So what now?" Owen questioned.

"We wait. Well, I can wait if you guys want to head back to bed." I answered.

"That sounds gre-"

"No. We'll stay with you." Owen replied cutting Set off mid sentence. His frown was adorable even for a centuries old god.

"But sleep..." Set whined stomping his foot on the ground like a petulant child.

"If I can be up at the absolute crack of dawn in this god forsaken sun, then so can you." Rue hissed from behind us. The laughter exploded from my lips just as I turned around to greet the three mates. She had on the largest, black wide brimmed sun hat imaginable, sunglasses and an umbrella over her head. If there was ever a stereotypical look for a demon hiding from the world she had it down pack.

"It's not funny." She pouted. "This sun is so irritating. As the byproduct of a demon love affair just coming into her powers I was told that there would be certain times when I would crave going back to the Underworld. This is one of those times."

"Wait. So you're a vampire too?" Owen questioned quietly eyeing our sister as if had just seen her for the first time.

"Ah! So cute you are!" Rue cooed in delight as she quickly skipped over to Owen, pinching his cheeks. "No dear brother. I'm not a vampire but by nature demons don't live in incredibly bright places."

"Makes sense." He replied nodding his head and slapping her hand away from his bright red cheeks. Kaya and Amun greeted us as the further their approach to us. We stood there for a while simply discussing things that we knew about Alpha Reynolds and the possible outcome of this situation.

"Ah, before I forget. The pack doctor says that the young lady that was barely hanging on by a thread has now made a full recover now that her wolf is back. Once the effects of the wolfs bane had completely cleared her system she began to heal rapidly. We've already questioned her and she only knew enough to confirm our suspicions." Amun informed us.

"That's great. We need to send someone over there to keep an eye on her in case anything should come back to her. We need to know everything we can about this man if we are to beat him."

"Look at us." Rue sighed loudly once I had finished talking. "Would you believe that months ago we were still acting like the immature brats our fathers thought we were?"

"Hey!" Owen cried out in protest. "They only thought you two were like that." He replied pointing at Rue and I.

"That's not the point." Rue answered sticking her tongue out for emphasis. "Look at us now though. I finally know what I am, I have two wonderful mates, you two have another mate, and we're getting ready to fight off a big bad Alpha wolf. Did you ever in your wildest dreams think that we would be here, right now?" She questioned.

"No, I guess not. Fate has a way of throwing us for a loop it seems." I laughed.

"I am glad that fate brought you my way. For whatever reason you decided to visit my part of the Underworld and I can say that I've never felt so many different emotions in my lifetime as I have since I found you two. I have never loved anyone as greatly as I love you two. You're my light and my life and I could never be without you." Set spoke up catching mine and Owen's attention.

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