Looking Back

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Yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows will fade,

until one day in the back of our brains,

they'll all be, "Do you remember those days?"

Its and bits and pieces of memories

get jumbled like a blender on high speed.

And then the motor stops,

and the concoction comes to a halt,

bringing the draught of clarity

which our conscious desperately seeks.

Leaps and strides are taken in bounds

down a road called Memory Lane.

Recalling tears of joy, or heartaches and pains,

as if the long ago wasn't that far away.

"Daddy, daddy, please, I want to fly higher."

"Mama I want to grow up to be just like you."

"Hey grandma, it's me.

I miss you so much,

and I love you as much as the world."

Or how about,

"You remember that time cuz, when we all went out?"

"Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about."

Or that broke down first car,

that made you feel like a star,

Because it was a ride, that you could call your very own.

So many little things that we thought long forgotten,

Were simply tucked away, waiting to return from by-gone days.

Now looking back on before

I'm grateful for the was,

because without it

I wouldn't be the me that I am in the now.

Every hurdle we've had to jump

that we thought would trip us up,

we see in the here,

that it was only a hop.

So while you're going through the struggle now,

remember they'll be a time when you're looking back,

thinking the bad wasn't really that bad.

And here in the now,

I'm glad that they were had.

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